RE: JavaMemoryModel: How about "Synchronizes to" and "Synchronize s from"

From: Boehm, Hans (
Date: Fri Mar 26 2004 - 16:43:15 EST

At the cost of using a longer phrase, how about something like
"provides memory visibility to" or "provides visibility to".
It seems to me that's a more accurate description.

That's similar to the Intel "made visible" terminology that Thomas Wang
pointed at, but I think it more accurately describes the Java semantics.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Victor Luchangco
> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 8:17 AM
> To: Bill Pugh
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: JavaMemoryModel: How about "Synchronizes to" and
> "Synchronizes from"
> Bill Pugh wrote:
> > We've discussed needing some phrase we can use instead of
> > "creates a happens-before edge" in places such as
> > Javadoc.
> >
> > One proposal was "Synchronizes with", but I don't like that because
> > it sound symmetric, and doesn't convey the directed nature of
> > synchronization.
> >
> > So what do you think about "synchronizes to" (and
> "synchronizes from")?
> >
> > For example,
> > starting a thread synchronizes to the run method of the thread
> > successful joining with a thread synchronizes from the
> run method of
> > the thread
> >
> > -------------------------------
> > JavaMemoryModel mailing list -
> I dislike the use of "to" and "from" with synchronized. It sounds
> unnatural to me, and I wouldn't know what it meant. I can easily
> infer the meaning in this case, but that's no better than using
> "synchronized with", which at least sounds better.
> Did we decide that using "happens-before" (with hyphen) was too
> subtle and likely to be missed?
> starting a thread happens-before the run method of the thread
> (Of course, that would not give us the inverse relation without
> another definition. But we could define happens-after to be that
> inverse.)
> If the desire is to avoid sounding too technical, then perhaps:
> starting a thread must occur before the run method of the thread
> successful joining with a thread must occur after the run method...
> In all the above examples, I think "the run method" should really
> be replaced with a specific event, e.g., "starting a thread must
> occur before the invocation of the run method..."
> If retaining "synchronized" is important, then perhaps we can say
> starting a thread is synchronized before the invocation of ...
> successful joining with a thread is synchronized after ...
> The main objection I have to this last version is that "synchronized"
> implies a similarity in time, so "synchronized before/after" is an
> oxymoron of a sort. Of course, we are using the term in a technical
> sense, so we can have it mean whatever we want. But using that
> reasoning, I think we should just revert to using the technical
> happens-before relation.
> Victor
> -------------------------------
> JavaMemoryModel mailing list -
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