Re: JavaMemoryModel: Question about the semantics of volatile

From: Vijay Saraswat (
Date: Thu Mar 18 2004 - 05:14:30 EST

CCM semantics can handle either formulation. I suspect this decision
will not makes a sharp separation between competing models.

If weak supports the common programming idioms then why not mandate
weak, with the justification that it requires less of the implementation?


Bill Pugh wrote:

> OK, a question has come up regarding the semantics of volatile.
> There is a point on which there are two different interpretations.
> As far as the model goes, it can handle either interpretation.
> So we'd like to open the question up to discussion and debate by
> the broader JMM community.
> For each volatile, there is a total order over all accesses to that
> volatile.
> Strong interpretation:
> There is a happens-before (or release/acquire) relationship from
> each write to each latter read of that volatile.
> Weak interpretation:
> There is a happens-before (or release/acquire) relationship from
> each write to each latter read of that volatile _that sees that
> write_.

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