Re: JavaMemoryModel: Prioritizing IE without notifyAll().

From: Doug Lea (
Date: Sun Nov 23 2003 - 07:16:54 EST

My "simplified" version oversimplified out an assignment tracking the
count at the point of notification. This turns out to still be needed
to avoid mixups with intervening interrupts/signals. Also, counts
should be "long" to avoid overflow. Here's a better, still cheap,
version, with field blandly renamed to "count" because it changes
role. As before, this requires use of FIFO monitor wait queues. (The
ordering of lock (re)acquisition queues doesn't matter here though.)

1. Associate with each monitor
     long notifyCounter;
2. Associate with each wait-queue Node
     long count;
3. On entry into wait, make and enqueue wait-queue Node node, setting
     node.count = monitor notifyCounter;
4. Before each return from notify of thread with Node node, do
     node.count = monitor.notifyCounter++;
5. On exit from wait, if the thread associated with Node node
   was interrupted after a notify, notify the head of wait-queue if
     head.count <= node.count

When a thread is on wait-queue, its count is the generation number at
which it entered, but when taken off the queue, its count is the
generation number at which it was notified.

The head.count <= node.count check is now clearly (I hope) true only
if the thread at the head of the queue entered wait after the thread
that was later interrupted but before it was notified: We know that
head entered wait after node did because queue is FIFO. And we know
that head entered before node was notified because the counts are
accessed only while the lock is held, so the relevant reads and writes
are totally ordered.

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