[Looks like my last message got scrambled ...]
At 8:49 AM +1000 7/2/99, David Holmes wrote:
>Consider this approach to the vtable:
>- The vtable is stored in the class object
>- The vtable is initialised during class loading and initialisation
>- The first time any thread accesses an instance of a class in a way that
>would require class loading (if it hasn't yet been done) it passes through
>a synchronisation point (mutex, atomic instruction or explicit memory
>barrier). Hence no visibility or ordering problems.
I don't think there is any way to detect when a reference might be to
an object of a newly loaded class.
Consider a static field Foo.x of type Object. In thread 1, you invoke
Foo.x.toString(). Foo.x might reference an object of a class that has
been loaded since the last time thread 1 did a memory barrier. So you
can't easily tell if the vtbl entries are guaranteed to be valid.
In addition, there is also the problem that each object contains a
pointer to the vtbl/class information, and you need to worry about
that pointer being null as well.
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