Re: JavaMemoryModel: Introductions...

From: Dennis Sosnoski (
Date: Sat Jun 26 1999 - 01:24:21 EDT

Hi everyone. I'm a consultant and developer with my own companies. I've been
doing client and server-side Java for most of the last two years, with prior
experience in C++, C, various assemblers, and a number of other programming
languages. In all, I've been programming for almost 30 years, most of it spent
in data communications related areas. For the last few years everything I've
done has been Internet-related.

I got interested in the JMM by way of some discussions of thread safety issues.
Most of my work has involved multi-threaded systems or equivalents (interrupts,
etc.), so I have a considerable interest in and a fair understanding of this

I'm also very interested in performance issues for Java. Coming from a
background of working close to the metal I suppose I've always been more
concerned about the details of how my code was executed than is usually
appropriate these days. It does help me in structuring systems for high
throughput, though. I enjoyed the opportunity to present some of the techniques
I've found useful in a session at JavaOne last week.

The design goals listed by Bill for a new JMM specification look good to me,
though I'm not sure I understand all the issues (and assumptions) well enough to
judge right now. I'm hoping to deepen my understanding through participating in
this list, with frequent references to the materials!

  - Dennis
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