JVM98 Statistics

Using as many fields final as possible in application total check compress db jack javac jess mpeg mtrt
# of getfields 4,620,361,709 189,073 1,939,567,336 458,158,470 606,542,516 276,052,698 247,318,503 795,717,527 296,815,586
# of getfields of refs 1,013,942,180 17,151 544,597,873 82,361,224 151,759,404 88,471,978 13,937,318 77,605,083 55,192,149
# of non-final getfields of refs 282,328,996 15,389 12,400 69,927 141,254,137 61,397,754 6,258,865 50,114,754 23,205,770
# of non-final, non-null getfields of refs 147,060,687 13,784 10,788 68,241 14,701,480 54,648,495 5,667,941 50,112,911 21,837,047
# of getfields of final fields 1,820,379,686 1,792 1,154,641,136 82,291,315 13,050,032 33,308,362 72,481,682 397,994,819 66,610,548
# of instructions 37,327,868,137 2,824,532 12,475,161,563 3,942,622,825 3,172,265,304 2,193,933,460 1,870,705,202 11,491,958,397 2,178,396,854
# of bytes allocated 388,522,833 563,311 110,279,150 25,874,406 61,734,333 70,802,060 97,631,530 757,585 20,880,458
# of calls to alloc 8,983,341 3,782 3,504 146,131 2,981,218 1,900,241 2,620,012 5,244 1,323,209
# of sync methods & monitorenters 10,868,352 2,947 2,903 8,203,830 2,185,544 454,021 12,365 2,182 4,560
# of stores of refs 188,410,147 8,347 9,226 29,886,826 131,281,645 19,201,358 5,278,897 81,919 2,661,929
# of loads of refs 1,795,335,119 23,673 544,604,939 203,595,012 281,335,175 101,875,142 99,772,179 436,703,366 127,425,633
# of aaloads 776,274,578 4,980 4,918 121,231,623 129,536,171 10,608,708 83,578,449 359,078,374 72,231,355
# of nonfinal loads of refs 1,061,623,741 21,818 19,362 121,303,374 270,829,795 72,704,051 92,093,343 409,212,939 95,439,059
# of nonfinal nonnull loads of refs 796,568,754 16,722 14,263 121,296,046 21,030,075 61,768,367 90,658,441 409,123,252 92,661,588
Seconds (700 Mhz Dec Alpha) 66   13.7 16.0 5.4 9.5 5.3 11.1 4.9
Using original marking of final fields total check compress db jack javac jess mpeg mtrt
# of non-final getfields of refs 979,091,755 16,660 544,597,323 51,039,200 148,871,251 87,836,587 13,935,094 77,604,120 55,191,520
# of non-final, non-null getfields of refs 843,427,617 15,055 544,595,710 51,037,514 22,318,601 80,989,326 13,344,170 77,602,277 53,524,964
# of getfields of final fields 34,821,542 495 556 31,322,028 2,888,159 606,476 2,228 967 633
# of nonfinal loads of refs 1,758,388,798 23,089 544,604,288 172,272,647 278,446,906 99,145,182 99,769,572 436,702,305 127,424,809
# of nonfinal nonnull loads of refs 1,492,946,424 17,993 544,599,187 172,265,319 28,647,194 88,119,938 98,334,670 436,612,618 124,349,505

Last Updated on 10/19/99
By William Pugh