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Structuring information

In order to reduce redundancy in my archive format, I redesigned the basic structure of information in a Java classfile. You can think2 of this restructuring as being an in-memory format for encoding classfiles, which is built and then encoded into a bytestream.

Some of the things I did in my reorganization:

Once we have a collection of class files in our internal format, the wire code is generated/parsed by a preorder traversal of the data-structure, starting from the roots. As each edge is traversed, an appropriate reference is encoded. As each primitive (int, long, float, or double) is encountered, it is encoded.

The internal format for Code (attached to MethodsDefinitions) is more complicated. I separate bytecode into streams of opcodes, registers numbers, integer constants, virtual method references, field method references, and so on. The encoding of bytecodes is discussed more throughly in Section 7

Figure 1: Fragment of Internal format for class files

ClassDefinition [] classesDefined;

class PackageName { String name; }
class SimpleClassName { String name; }
class MethodName { String name; }
class FieldName { String name; }

class ClassRef {
    PackageName & packageName;
    SimpleClassName & simpleClassName;
class ClassDefinition {
    ClassRef & thisClass;
    int access_flags;
    ClassRef & superClass;
    ClassRef & [] interfaces;
    MethodDefiniton [] methods;
    FieldDefinition [] fields;
class ExceptionRef {
    ClassRef & clazz;

class MethodRef {
    ClassRef & owner;
    MethodName & methodName;
    ClassRef & type[];
class MethodDefinition {
    MethodRef & method;
    int access_flags;
    Code code;
    ExceptionRef & exceptionsThrown[];
class FieldRef {
    ClassRef & owner;
    FieldName & fieldName;
    ClassRef & type;
class FieldDefinition {
    FieldRef & field;
    int access_flags;
    Object & constantValue;

& is used to indicate a reference to an object that may be shared and might have been seen before

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William Pugh