SElinks installation
Note: The installation procedure described here is fairly involved. Examples of selinks programs are available online:
Install and configure webserver
Running selinks requires a webserver. The configuration instructions provided are specific to apache 1.3.41. The instructions might require adaptation to other apache versions. Apache 1.3.41 can be downloaded here.
See Compiling and Installing Apache for instructions on this step.
Once apache is installed, some configuration additions need to be made, in the apache configuration file, httpd.conf, in the directories section, edit the DocumentRoot to refer to the intended location of links programs.
DocumentRoot "/path/to/links/programs/"
Also, edit the options for the document root to allow cgi execution:
<Directory />
Options Indexes FollowSymlinks MultiViews ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Next, in the section begining with IfModule mod_mime.c, add:
AddHandler cgi-script .links
Changes to apache configuration require server restart.
Note: If another webserver is running on the computer, you might have to change the port at which it will be accessible. This can be done by modifying the
Listen line in
httpd.conf to refer to another, unused port:
# Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or
# ports, instead of the default. See also the
# directive.
#Listen 3000
Additionally, the URLs mentioned further in this document have to reflect this change; instead of pointing your browser to
http://localhost/... you will have to point it to
http://localhost:3000/... where 3000 is the port used.
Required is postgresql 8.2.x, that is, 8.3 or newer will not do. The relevant version can be downloaded here. Refer to the postgresql documentation for instructions.
Note: If another postgresql database is running on the same computer, the port used by your installation might need to be changed, this can be done by editing the
postgresql.conf file within the database directory that you should have created when following the installation instructions on the postgresql documentation page:
port = 5432 # (change requires restart)
Label datatype
Once the postgresql is installed, we require the installation of a custom datatype (label). Download the label datatype and build it with make. To make on a non-OSX computer, make sure to comment out the DARWIN line in the Makefile:
# comment out the next line if not making on osx
Also, make sure PG_DIR is set to the location wehre postgresql was installed:
PG_DIR = /usr/local/pgsql
Next, edit label.sql, replacing every occurance of PATH-TO-LABEL to the location of the just built
-- replace PATH-TO-LABEL with the location of, excluding the ".so"
-- example: /fs/macdonald/selinks/sesense/selinks_strap/pgsql/label
Database configuration
Once database and label datatype are installed/built and the database is running, some additional items need to be carried out. First, create a database for the SEsense app, connect to that database (assumes commands are ran in the /bin directory of the database installation), and create a role:
./createdb --port 5432 selinks
./psql --port 5432 selinks
Welcome to psql 8.2.13, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help with psql commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit
selinks=# CREATE USER selinks WITH PASSWORD 'password';
Next, include the label.sql recently built while connected to the sesense database:
selinks=# \i /path/to/label.sql
NOTICE: type "label" is not yet defined
DETAIL: Creating a shell type definition.
Also, determine the oid of the label datatype and write it down:
selinks=# SELECT oid FROM pg_type WHERE typname = 'label';
(1 row)
Install OCaml
Next install OCaml. The further installation of SElinks might not proceed as needed with a version of OCaml other than 3.09.1. The proper version can be downloaded here. Follow the installation instructions within the package.
Note: opt.opt needs to be specified when making OCaml.
make opt.opt
make install (or sudo make install)
OCaml database bindings
Additionally, the OCaml bindings for postgresql need to be installed. The version with some small additions can be downloaded here.
The Makefile.conf file needs to be edited to refer to the pg_config inside the postgresql installation:
PG_CONFIG = /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config
Next edit the lib/postgresql_stubs.c to reference the label oid retrieved from postgresql several steps earlier.
#define LABELOID 17015
Then, build using make.
Note: You might not be able to make install the bindings. Instead we will rather refer to the location where the bindings have been built explicitly in the further steps.
Install SElinks
Next install SElinks, which can be downloaded here. To do this, edit Makefile.config to make proper reference to the library directory where ocaml database bindings have been installed and the postgresql library directory:
# OCaml PostgreSQL bindings
# PostgreSQL lib files
SElinks is then built using make nc.
Finally, the config file needs to be modified to make reference to the database, including host, port, username (db user), and password:
Run SEwiki
Download sewiki and unpack into the web served directory configured earlier. Also, edit the first line of sewiki.links to make reference to the location of links in the selinks directory and the config file in the same selinks directory:
#!/Users/piotrm/Sites/selinks/links --config=/Users/piotrm/Sites/selinks/config
The sewiki.links file needs to be properly chmodedded,
chmod 755 sewiki.links
Additinally, the database tables for sesense need to be defined (run in the selinks database):
selinks=# \i path/to/sewiki/db.sql
Now, assuming everything went according to plan, the webserver and the database are running, you can navigate to http://localhost/sewiki/sewiki.links in your browser.
Note: Before logging in to sewiki for the first time, reload the login page.
Run SEsense
Download sesense and unpack into the web served directory configured earlier. Also, edit the first line of sense.links to make reference to the location of links in the selinks directory and the config file in the same selinks directory:
#!/Users/piotrm/Sites/selinks/links --config=/Users/piotrm/Sites/selinks/config
The sense.links file needs to be properly chmodedded,
chmod 755 sense.links
Additinally, the database tables for sesense need to be defined (run in the selinks database):
selinks=# \i path/to/sesense/db.sql
In order for sesense to function properly, the Ponder2 SMC needs to be running. The SMC is included in the ponder directory, within sesense. To run it, use
./ant sesense
Note: The Ponder2 SMC requires Java JDK.
Now, assuming everything went according to plan, the webserver, database, and ponder SMC are running, you can navigate to http://localhost/sesense/sense.links in your browser.