A Workshop Sponsored by the National Academies and the National Science Foundation,
April 28-29, 2000

National Academies' Cecil and Ida Green Building
Room 118
2001 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C.


Friday, April 28

1:00 Welcome and overview of workshop goals
Robert MacPherson, Institute for Advanced Studies, and Chair, Board on Mathematical Sciences

Afternoon session: Network Traffic Modeling

1:10 Panel discussion:
The major challenges of network traffic modeling
  • Walter Willinger, AT&T
  • Donald Towsley, University of Massachusetts
  • Sugih Jamin, University of Michigan
  • Andrew Odlyzko, AT&T-Research, moderator

  • 2:10 Plenary discussion:
    Identification of mathematical and statistical challenges that link to the challenges of network traffic modeling

    3:10 Break

    3:30 Resume plenary discussion

    4:45 Summaries from session rapporteurs
  • Ingrid Daubechies, Princeton University
  • David Donoho, Stanford University

  • 5:15 Adjourn

    5:30 Reception with hors-d'oevres

    7:30 Adjourn reception

    Saturday, April 29

    8:00 Continental breakfast in meeting room

    Morning session: Computer Vision

    8:30 Panel discussion:
    The major challenges of computer vision
  • Jitendra Malik, University of California at Berkeley
  • Larry Davis, University of Maryland
  • Guillermo Sapiro, University of Minnesota
  • Tony Chan, University of California at Los Angeles, moderator

  • 9:30 Plenary discussion:
    Identification of mathematical and statistical challenges that link to the challenges of computer vision

    10:30 Break

    10:45 Resume plenary discussion

    12:00 Summary from session rapporteur
  • Stanley Osher, University of California at Los Angeles

  • 12:15 Lunch

    Afternoon session: Data Mining and Search Techniques

    1:00 Panel discussion:
    The major challenges of data mining and search techniques
  • Chid Apte, IBM Watson Center
  • Rau'l E Valde's-Pe'rez, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Padhraic Smyth, University of California at Irvine
    (cancelled presentation)
  • Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University
  • Dianne P. O'Leary, University of Maryland, moderator

  • 2:00 Plenary discussion:
    Identification of mathematical and statistical challenges that link to the challenges of data mining and search

    3:00 Break

    3:15 Resume plenary discussion

    4:15 Summary from session rapporteur
  • Laszlo Lovasz , Microsoft Research

  • 4:30 General discussion.
    Next steps to improve these interfaces, including actions to be taken by the National Academies.

  • Meeting background
  • Local information
  • Workshop homepage