References for Section 18">What can be done within graduate education?
1. B. Studer, Frauen an den Universitaeten in der Schweiz, Arbeitspapiere, Dokumentationsstelle für Wissenschaftspolitik, Wildhainweg 9, PF/CP 2732, CH-3001 Bern (1998)
2. `` Not Getting the Award, Grant, or Job? Check Your References," in A Hand Up: Women Mentoring Women in Science, Association for Women in Science, Washington, D.C. (1993) , pp. 333-342
3. A Hand Up: Women Mentoring Women in Science, Association for Women in Science, Washington, D.C. (1993) , especially the article B. R. Sandler, ``Mentoring: Myths and Realities, Dangers and Responsibilities," pp. 271-279.
4. H. Etzkowitz, C. Kemelgor, M. Neuschatz, and B. Uzzi, How Women React to and Cope with Chilly Environments: Barriers to Women in Academic Science and Engineering in W. Pearson Jr. and I. Fechter (eds.) Who Will Do Science? Educating the Next Generation, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1994.