AMSC 607 / CMSC 764 Advanced Numerical Optimization
Fall 2008
Dianne P. O'Leary
New: 12-19-08: Final Grades and Announcements
When and Where:
TuTh......11:00am-12:15pm (CSI 3120)
(CSI is the Computer Science Classroom building, attached
to A.V. Williams and behind the Wind Tunnel.)
Office Hours:
Tuesday 1:00-2:15, Thursday 8:00-9:15, Friday 9-10, and by appointment,
in AVW 3271.
A course in linear algebra and a course in numerical
analysis. (A previous course in optimization is NOT expected.)
Homework plus a project. No in-class quizzes or exams.
Course Information and Syllabus
Background notes on error analysis
UMCP Code of Academic Integrity
Survival Guide for Optimization
Information about computer accounts.
I have requested accounts on GRACE for each of you. For your
assignments, you may use GRACE or any other machine with Matlab access.
Information from the last time the course was offered.
Lecture notes:
Unconstrained Optimization: Basics
An example of a good linesearch: cvsrch.m
and cstep.m
Unconstrained Optimization: Part 2
For more detail on linear conjugate gradients:
Some notes on conjugate gradients
Constrained Optimization: Basics
Constrained Optimization: Feasible Direction Methods
Constrained Optimization: Penalty and Barrier Methods
Constrained Optimization: Interior Point Methods
A. Nemirovski lecture notes
Data fitting and least squares problems
Global Optimization for discussion
on December 9
Information on the term project
Homework 1:
The homework
If a sequence converges at rate p (as defined on p. 13 of
the Unconstrained Optimization: Basics notes and p. 29 of
the textbook), it also converges at rates less than p.
In problem 1, try to find the largest value of p.
In Problem 3c and 3d, if there is more than one such interval,
the right-most one is the most desirable.
The subscript denotes the 2-norm, or Euclidean norm. So
|| p ||_2 = sqrt (p^T p) = sqrt(sum of squares of elements of
the vector p).
Partial solution to the homework,
Homework 2:
The homework
Part (iii) of the question posed in Nash-Sopher says to output
the step length alpha at each iteration. Output the trust-region
radius instead.
Answers to some questions posed in office hours:
(10-02-08) You do not need to do a Cholesky factorization or a modified
Cholesky factorization. You are doing the trust region method instead.
(10-02-08) If the Newton step falls inside the trust region and is
downhill, your algorithm
should take that step, since the Newton step is then the solution to
the trust region problem. Only consider a nonzero gamma if the
Newton step is too big or the Newton step is not downhill.
(10-02-08) Your Newton-trust region program should be general: no matter
what f,g,H your user provides, it should work. But your users are
required to write their own f,g,H; you do not need to compute g and
H for them. In particular, don't use a finite difference approx.
for g and H. The assignment is meant to use exact g and H, programmed
by the user or computed using automatic differentiation.
(10-06-08) To estimate the convergence rate, you might assume
that e_{k+1} = c e_k^p and then determine c and p by a least squares fit.
Homework 3:
The homework
10-20-08 Make sure that you allow constraints to be dropped at every iteration,
not just when you are at a vertex (with n constraints active).
1. Can we collect the testing problems from internet and use them?
Yes, as long as you give a reference in your testing program. And
only one problem is required.
Should the LP problems be small size? middle size? or large size?
Your choice.
What kind of testing results are you expected? Just validate the accuracy
of the solutions? or efficiency?
Verify that your program computes the correct solution.
For full credit, your program should not use an order of magnitude
more operations than necessary, but it does not need to be perfectly
Should we also submit a matlab output diary?
No, I'll run your script myself, along with other test problems.
Submission instructions:
Send lpfeasdir.m and your script that tests it
as 2 plain-text email attachments to
If your "group" contained more than 1 person, hand in (hardcopy) of a statement signed by each of you stating
the work done by each person.
10-27-08 If you used a datafile, send it as an email attachment, too.
In accordance with the vote taken in class, you have until 2pm
Tuesday Nov 11 to resubmit your program, if desired, without late
penalty. Submissions after that will not be accepted. The correctness
test that I will use (worth 7 points) is "mytester". You will need
these files to run the code:
mytester.m (Reposted 3pm 11-04-08)
``At the test problem 6, it assumes that the correct solution is [Inf,
Inf]. However, x2 is still bound in [1,3] in that case."
You are correct. I will change the correctness test to check
that x1 has been set to INF.
lpfeasdir.m Sample solution
code by Vincent Nguyen.
Check your email for your grade on this homework.
Homework 4: Due 2pm November 25
The homework
Homework 5, due Tuesday Dec 9, 2pm.
(10 points) Solve Nemirovski Exercise 3.3.1, p. 50.
Hint: Figure out what "#+" means, but write the answer in your own words.
(30 points) Solve Nemirovski Exercise 4.7.4, p. 66, but
omit the last piece, "Evaluate the arithmetic cost of a Newton
step of the method."
Part (1) is worth 10 points and part (2) is worth 20.
Comments on the solution:
Nemirovski Exercise 3.3.1, p. 50.
For the sketch of the solution, see p. 199 of the notes.
I looked for demonstrations of these pieces:
The function must have a continuous 3rd derivative
and the barrier property.
The 1st derivative must be bounded in terms of the
square root of the 2nd.
The 3rd derivative must be bounded in terms of the
2nd raised to the 3/2 power.
(Note that Newton's generalized binomial theorem is not
the best way to get the r,s property.)
To put the pieces together, use Prop. 3.1.1.
(These statements are rather loose, but somehow preferable
to having you try to read pseudo-latex math formulas.)
Nemirovski Exercise 4.7.4, p. 66
Nemirovski gives the algorithm is given on pp. 59-60.
I was looking for enough detail so that someone could write
a good computer code from your description.
In particular, I looked for the following features:
Carefully define the function you are minimizing.
Make sure that you update all variables, including
the extra one that you added to form the standard form
objective function.
Specify a way to calculate the derivatives, and
make sure that they involve all of the variables. Either
grind out the formulas, or specify that automatic differentiation
should be used.
NEVER compute a matrix inverse! It is inefficient
(doubles the work for a dense matrix and even worse
for a sparse one) and
introduces unnecessary rounding error. In Matlab, use backslash
to solve the linear system. In other languages, use an
appropriate factorization of the matrix to solve the linear system
(which is what Matlab's backslash does).
The most expensive piece of each iteration is the solution
of the Newton equation to get the search direction. This is
O(n^3), where x has dimension n x 1.
If you redo this computation in forming lambda, you have doubled
the work! And if you then recalculate lambda to test its value,
you triple the work! Calculate the solution to the linear system
once and then store it for use in multiple statements within
the algorithm.