About me

I am a PhD student working with Nick Roussopoulos in the Computer Science Department at the University of Maryland.

I hold an MSc degree in Computer Science from the University of Maryland and an MSc in telecommunications from National Kapodistrian University of Athens where also I got my CS degree.


I am interested on how the pervasive wireless networks we see developed all around us can be used in future and present mobile devices to efficiently create an application rich environment. I believe that efficiency as well as simplicity will characterize the best solutions. In a world of multiple wireless protocols with different levels of optimization, where IP will be used, some form of end-to-end solution will de facto be needed. I am also interested in mobility modeling, simulation, and prediction.




[1] M. Kyriakakos, N. Frangiadakis, S. Hadjiefthymiades, L. Merakos, "RMPG: A Realistic Mobility Pattern Generator for the Performance Assessment of Mobility Functions", in SImulation Modelling Practice And Theory, (SIMPAT), Vol 12/1, Elsevier Science, 2004.
[2] M.Kyriakakos, S.Hadjiefthymiades, N.Frangiadakis, L.Merakos, "Enhanced Path Prediction for Network Resource Management in Wireless LANs", in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Special issue on "The Evolution of Wireless LANs and PANs", Vol.10 No.6, December 2003, pp 62-69
[3] M. Kyriakakos, N. Frangiadakis, S. Hadjiefthymiades, L. Merakos, "A Realistic Mobility Pattern Generator for the Performance Evaluation of Mobile Computing Mechanisms", in International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley InterScience, Vol.16, Issue 10, December 2003, pp. 935-950.
[4] Frangiadakis N., Nikolaidis G., Schefczik P.,Wiedemann A. 2002, "MxRAN Functional Architecture Performance Modeling". In Proc. OPNETWORK 2002 Conf. Washington D.C.,USA, August.
[5] Lampropoulos G., Fragkiadakis N., Passas N., "Enhancing performance of IP service in HIPERLAN/2 networks", Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, 2002. The 5th International Symposium on ,Volume: 3, 27-30 Oct. 2002, Pages:892 - 896 vol.3.
[6] M. Kyriakakos, S. Hadjiefthymiades, N. Frangiadakis, L. Merakos, "Multi-user Driven Path Prediction Algorithm for Mobile Computing", proceedings of 14th Workshop on Network-Based Information Systems (Nbis), Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), Prague, Czech Republic, September, 2003, pp. 191-195.
[7] G. Marias, N. Fragiadakis, S. Hadjiefthymiades, and L. Merakos, "Evaluation Of An Enhanced Intelligent DCA Technique For Unlicensed wLANs and PAWNs", proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, March 2003.
[8] N. Frangiadakis, M. Kyriakakos, S. Hadjiefthymiades, L. Merakos, "Realistic Mobility Pattern Generator: Design and Application in Path Prediction Algorithm Evaluation", proceedings of IEEE PIMRC conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September, 2002, Vol.2, pp. 765-769.
[9] Nikolaos Frangiadakis, and Nick Roussopoulos, "Caching in Mobile Environments: A New Analysis and the Mobile-Cache System", Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2007. PIMRC 2007. IEEE 18th International Symposium on,
[10] Frangiadakis Nikolaos, Kuklov Danila, Roussopoulos Nick, "PEGASUS: 802.11 connectivity at high speed", Globecom Workshops, 2007 IEEE
[link] [pdf]
[11] Nikolaos Frangiadakis,Daniel Câmara, Fethi FIlali, Antonio A. F. Loureiro, and Nick Roussopoulos, Virtual Access Points for Vehicular Networks, Mobilware 2008, the 1st International Conference on MOBILe Wireless, Operating Systems, and Applications, February 12th-15th, 2008, Innsbruck, Austria.
[12] Camara, Daniel, Frangiadakis, Nikolaos, Filali, Fethi, Loureiro, A. A. F., Roussopoulos, Nick "Virtual access points for stream based traffic dissemination", IEEE APSCC 2008, IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, December 9-12, 2008, Yilan, Taiwan
[13] Camara, Daniel, Frangiadakis, Nikolaos, Filali, Fethi, Loureiro, A. A. F., Roussopoulos, Nick "Virtual access points for disaster scenarios", WCNC 2009, IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference, April 5-8, 2009, Budapest, Hungary
[14] Nikolaos Frangiadakis, Nick Roussopoulos, "A pegasus over WiMax and WiFi demo: Connectivity at high speeds", demo on TRIDENTCOM 2009, The 5th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities, April 6-8, 2009, Washington DC

TRs and Selected Projects

N. Swamy, N. Frangiadakis and K. Bitsakos, "A Distributed Algorithm for Constructing aGeneralization of de Bruijn Graphs", Technical Report, CR-TR-4792, 2006.


I have been a Teaching T.A. for CMSC214, CMSC106, CMSC212, CMSC330, CMSC421, CMSC131, CMSC132, CMSC417, CMSC412.
[umd cs classes]


ntg.cs.umd.edu, AVW3220, +1 301 405 2714

Random Stuff

[cs vpn and printing in ubuntu]