Fable: A Language for Enforcing User-defined Security Policies
Nikhil Swamy, Brian Corcoran, and Michael Hicks
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
(Oakland), May 2008.
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This paper presents Fable, a core formalism for a programming language
in which programmers may specify security policies and reason that
these policies are properly enforced. In Fable,
security policies can be expressed by associating security
labels with the data or actions they protect. Programmers define the
semantics of labels in a separate part of the program called the
enforcement policy. Fable prevents a policy from being circumvented
by allowing labeled terms to be manipulated only within the enforcement
policy; application code must treat labeled values abstractly.
Together, these features
facilitate straightforward proofs that programs implementing a
particular policy achieve their high-level security goals. Fable is
flexible enough to implement a wide variety of security policies,
including access control, information flow, provenance, and security
automata. We have implemented Fable as part of the Links web
programming language; we call the resulting language SELinks. We
report on our experience using SElinks to build two substantial
applications, a wiki and an on-line store, equipped with a combination of
access control and provenance policies.
To our knowledge, no existing framework enables
the enforcement of such a wide variety of security policies with an
equally high level of assurance.
AUTHOR = {Nikhil Swamy and Brian Corcoran and Michael Hicks},
TITLE = {Fable: A Language for Enforcing User-defined Security Policies},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland)},
YEAR = 2008,
NOTE = {To appear}
Verified Implementations of the Information Card Federated Identity-Management Protocol
Karthikeyan Bhargavan and Cedric Fournet and Andrew D.Gordon and Nikhil Swamy
In Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Symposium on Information, Communication and Comunication Security (ASIACCS), March 2008.
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We describe reference implementations for selected configurations of
the user authentication protocol defined by the Information Card
Profile V1.0. Our code can interoperate with existing
implementations of the roles of the protocol (client, identity
provider, and relying party). We derive formal proofs of security
properties for our code using an automated theorem prover. Hence,
we obtain the most substantial examples of verified implementations
of cryptographic protocols to date, and the first for any federated
identity-management protocols. Moreover, we present a tool that
downloads security policies from services and identity providers and
compiles them to a verifiably secure client proxy.
author = {Karthikeyan Bhargavan and C\'edric Fournet and Andrew D. Gordon and Nikhil Swamy},
title = {Verified Implementations of the {I}nformation {C}ard Federated Identity-Management Protocol},
pages = "123--135",
crossref = "asiaccs08",
abstract = "We describe reference implementations for selected configurations of
the user authentication protocol defined by the Information Card Profile V1.0.
Our code can interoperate with existing implementations of the
roles of the protocol (client, identity provider, and relying party).
We derive formal proofs of security properties for our code using an
automated theorem prover.
Hence, we obtain the most substantial examples of verified implementations
of cryptographic protocols to date, and the first for any federated
identity-management protocols.
Moreover, we present a tool that downloads security policies from
services and identity providers and compiles them to a verifiably secure
client proxy."}
title = "Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'08)",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'08)",
month = mar,
year = 2008,
publisher = {ACM Press},
address = {Tokyo, Japan}
Verified Enforcement of Security Policies for Cross-Domain Information Flows
Nikhil Swamy, Michael Hicks, and Simon Tsang.
In Proceedings of the 2007 Military Communications Conference
(MILCOM), October 2007.
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We describe work in progress that uses program analysis to show that
security-critical programs, such as cross-domain guards, correctly
enforce cross-domain security policies.
We are enhancing existing techniques from the field of
security-oriented programming languages to construct a new language
for the construction of secure networked applications, SELinks.
In order to specify and enforce expressive and fine-grained policies,
we advocate dynamically associating security labels with sensitive
Programs written in SELinks are statically guaranteed to
correctly manipulate an entity's security labels and to ensure that
the appropriate policy checks mediate all operations that are
performed on the entity.
We discuss the design of our main case study: a web-based
collaborative planning application that will permit a collection
of users, with varying security requirements and clearances, to access
sensitive data sources and collaboratively create documents based on
these sources.
AUTHOR = {Nikhil Swamy and Michael Hicks and Simon Tsang},
TITLE = {Verified Enforcement of Security Policies for Cross-Domain
Information Flows},
YEAR = 2007,
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2007 Military Communications Conference (MILCOM)}
Defeating Script Injection Attacks with Browser-Enforced Embedded Policies
Trevor Jim, Nikhil Swamy, and Michael Hicks
In Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference
(WWW), pages 601-610, May 2007.
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Web sites that accept and display content such as wiki articles or
comments typically filter the content to prevent injected script
code from running in browsers that view the site. The diversity of
browser rendering algorithms and the desire to allow rich content
make filtering quite difficult, however, and attacks such as the
Samy and Yamanner worms have exploited filtering weaknesses. This
paper proposes a simple alternative mechanism for preventing script
injection called Browser-Enforced Embedded Policies (BEEP). The idea is that a
web site can embed a policy in its pages that specifies which
scripts are allowed to run. The browser, which knows exactly when
it will run a script, can enforce this policy perfectly. We have
added BEEP support to several browsers, and built tools to
simplify adding policies to web applications. We found that
supporting BEEP in browsers requires only small and localized
modifications, modifying web applications requires minimal effort,
and enforcing policies is generally lightweight.
AUTHOR = {Trevor Jim and Nikhil Swamy and Michael Hicks},
TITLE = {Defeating Script Injection Attacks with Browser-Enforced Embedded Policies},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW)},
PAGES = {601--610},
YEAR = 2007,
LOCATION = {Banff, Alberta, Canada}
Managing Policy Updates in Security-Typed Languages
Nikhil Swamy, Michael Hicks, Stephen Tse, and Steve Zdancewic
In Proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop
(CSFW), pages 202-216, July 2006.
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This paper presents RX, a new security-typed
programming language with features intended to make the management of
information-flow policies more practical. Security labels in RX,
in contrast to prior approaches, are defined in terms of owned
roles, as found in the RT role-based trust-management framework.
Role-based security policies allows flexible delegation, and our
language RX provides constructs through which programs can robustly
update policies and react to policy updates dynamically. Our dynamic
semantics use statically verified transactions to eliminate
illegal information flows across updates, which we call
transitive flow. Because policy updates can be observed
through dynamic queries, policy updates can potentially reveal
sensitive information. As such, RX considers policy statements
themselves to be potentially confidential information and subject to
information-flow metapolicies.
TITLE = {Managing Policy Updates in Security-Typed Languages},
AUTHOR = {Nikhil Swamy and Michael Hicks and Stephen Tse and Steve Zdancewic},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop (CSFW)},
MONTH = {July},
PAGES = {202--216},
YEAR = 2006,
HTTP = {http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/PL/rx/}
Finding and Removing Performance Bottlenecks in Large Systems
Glenn Ammons and Jong-Deok Choi and Manish Gupta and Nikhil Swamy
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2004
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Software systems obey the 80/20 rule: aggressively optimiz-
ing a vital few execution paths yields large speedups. However, find-
ing the vital few paths can be difficult, especially for large systems like
web applications. This paper describes a novel approach to finding bot-
tlenecks in such systems, given (possibly very large) profiles of system
executions. In the approach, for each kind of profile (for example, call-
tree profiles), a tool developer implements a simple profile interface that
exposes a small set of primitives for selecting summaries of profile mea-
surements and querying how summaries overlap. Next, an analyst uses a
search tool, which is written to the profile interface and thus independent
of the kind of profile, to find bottlenecks.
Our search tool (Bottlenecks) manages the bookkeeping of the search
for bottlenecks and provides heuristics that automatically suggest likely
bottlenecks. In one case study, after using Bottlenecks for half an
hour, one of the authors found 14 bottlenecks in IBM's WebSphere Ap-
plication Server. By optimizing some of these bottlenecks, we obtained
a throughput improvement of 23% on the Trade3 benchmark. The opti-
mizations include novel optimizations of J2EE and Java security, which
exploit the high temporal and spatial redundancy of security checks.
author = {Glenn Ammons and Jong-Deok Choi and Manish Gupta and Nikhil Swamy},
title = {Finding and Removing Performance Bottlenecks in Large Systems},
booktitle = {European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP)},
year = 2004
Finding a Better-than-classical Quantum AND/OR Algorithm
Lee Spector and Howard Barnum and Herbert J. Bernstein and Nikhil Swamy
In Proceedings of the Congress of Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1999.
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This paper documents the discovery of a new,
better-than-classical quantum algorithm for the depth-
two AND/OR tree problem. We describe the genetic pro-
gramming system that was constructed specifically for
this work, the quantum computer simulator that is used to
evaluate the fitness of evolving quantum algorithms, and
the newly discovered algorithm.
author = {Lee Spector and Howard Barnum and Herbert J. Bernstein and Nikhil Swamy},
title = {Finding a Better-than-classical Quantum AND/OR Algorithm},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Congress of Evolutionary Computation},
year = 1999
Safe Manual Memory Management in Cyclone
Nikhil Swamy, Michael Hicks, Greg Morrisett, Dan Grossman, and Trevor
Science of Computer Programming (SCP), 62(2):122-144, October
Special issue on memory management.
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The goal of the Cyclone project is to investigate how to make a
low-level C-like language safe. Our most difficult challenge has
been providing programmers control over memory management while
retaining safety. This paper describes our experience trying
to integrate and use effectively two previously-proposed, safe
memory-management mechanisms: statically-scoped regions and tracked
pointers. We found that these typing mechanisms can be combined to
build alternative memory-management abstractions, such as reference
counted objects and arenas with dynamic lifetimes, and thus provide
a flexible basis. Our experience-porting C programs and device
drivers, and building new applications for resource-constrained
systems-confirms that experts can use these features to improve
memory footprint and sometimes to improve throughput when used
instead of, or in combination with, conservative garbage collection.
AUTHOR = {Nikhil Swamy and Michael Hicks and Greg Morrisett and Dan Grossman and Trevor Jim},
TITLE = {Safe Manual Memory Management in {Cyclone}},
JOURNAL = {Science of Computer Programming (SCP)},
VOLUME = 62,
PAGES = {122--144},
YEAR = 2006,
NOTE = {Special issue on memory management.x},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
HTTP = {http://cyclone.thelanguage.org}
Dynamic Inference of Polymorphic Lock Types
James Rose, Nikhil Swamy, and Michael Hicks
Science of Computer Programming (SCP), 58(3):366-383, December
Special Issue on Concurrency and Synchronization in Java programs. (Supercedes 2004 CSJP paper of the same name.)
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We present an FindLocks, an approach for automatically proving the absence of
data races in multi-threaded Java programs, using a combination of dynamic and
static analysis. The program in question is instrumented so that when executed it
will gather information about locking relationships. This information is then used
to automatically generate annotations needed to type check the program using the
Race-Free Java type system. Programs that type check are sure to be free from races.
We call this technique dynamic annotation inference. We describe the design and
implementation of our approach, and our experience applying the tool to a variety
of Java programs. We have found that when using a reasonably comprehensive test
suite, which is easy for small programs but harder for larger ones, the approach
generates useful annotations.
AUTHOR = {James Rose and Nikhil Swamy and Michael Hicks},
TITLE = {Dynamic Inference of Polymorphic Lock Types},
JOURNAL = {Science of Computer Programming (SCP)},
VOLUME = 58,
PAGES = {366--383},
MONTH = {December},
YEAR = 2005,
NOTE = {Special Issue on Concurrency and Synchronization in Java programs. Supercedes 2004 CSJP paper of the same name.},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier}
Quantum Computing Applications of Genetic Programming
Lee Spector and Howard Barnum and Herbert J. Bernstein and Nikhil Swamy
Advances in Genetic Programming 3 pp 135-160, MIT Press, 1999
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Quantum computers are computational devices that use the dynamics of
atomic-scale objects to store and manipulate information. Only a few,
small-scale quantum computers have been built to date, but quantum
computers can in principle outperform all possible classical computers
in significant ways. Quantum computation is therefore a subject of
considerable theoretical interest that may also have practical
applications in the future.
Genetic programming can automatically discover new algorithms for
quantum computers [spector:1998:GPqc]. We describe how to simulate a
quantum computer so that the fitness of a quantum algorithm can be
determined on classical hardware. We then describe ways in which three
different genetic programming approaches can drive the simulator to
evolve new quantum algorithms. The approaches are standard tree-based
genetic programming, stack-based linear genome genetic programming,
and stackless linear genome genetic programming. We demonstrate the
techniques on four different problems: the two-bit early promise
problem, the scaling majority-on problem, the four-item database
search problem, and the two-bit and-or problem. For three of these
problems (all but majority-on) the automatically discovered algorithms
are more efficient than any possible classical algorithms for the same
problems. One of the better-than-classical algorithms (for the
two-bit and-or problem) is in fact more efficient than any previously
known quantum algorithm for the same problem, suggesting that genetic
programming may be a valuable tool in the future study of quantum
@InCollection{ spector99aigp3,
author = "Lee Spector and Howard Barnum and Herbert J. Bernstein and
Nikhil Swamy",
title = "Quantum Computing Applications of Genetic Programming",
booktitle = "Advances in Genetic Programming 3",
publisher = "MIT Press",
year = "1999",
editor = "Lee Spector and William B. Langdon and Una-May O'Reilly
and Peter J. Angeline",
chapter = "7",
pages = "135--160",
address = "Cambridge, MA, USA",
month = jun,
keywords = "genetic algorithms, genetic programming",
isbn = "0-262-19423-6",
url = "http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~wbl/aigp3/ch07.pdf",
notes = "AiGP3"
Combining Provenance and Security Policies in a Web-based Document Management System
Brian Corcoran, Nikhil Swamy, and Michael Hicks
In On-line Proceedings of the Workshop on Principles of
Provenance (PrOPr), November 2007.
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Provenance and security are intimately related. Cheney et
al. show that the dependencies underlying provenance
information also underly information flow security policies. Provenance
information can also play a role in history-based access control
policies. Many real applications have the need to
combine a variety of security policies with provenance tracking. For
instance, an online stock trading website might restrict access to certain
premium features it offers using an access control policy, while at the same
time using an information flow policy to ensure that a user's sensitive
trading information is not leaked to other users. Similarly, the application
might need to track the provenance of transaction information to support an
annual financial audit while also using provenance to attest to the
reliability of stock analyses that it presents to its users.
We have been exploring the interaction between provenance and security
policies while developing a document management system we call the
Collaborative Planning Application (CPA). The CPA is written in
SELinks, our language for supporting user-defined, label-based security
policies. SELinks is an extension of the Links
web-programming language with means to express label-based
security policies. Labels are associated with the data they protect by
using dependent types which, along with some syntactic restrictions, suffice
to ensure that user-defined policies enjoy complete mediation and
cannot be circumvented. Our interest in provenance and
security policies is thus part of a broader exploration of how security
policies can be encoded, composed, and reasoned about within SELinks. In
this paper, we describe the architecture of the CPA and its approach to
label-based provenance and security policies
and we sketch directions for further exploration on the interaction between
the two.
AUTHOR = {Brian Corcoran and Nikhil Swamy and Michael Hicks},
TITLE = {Combining Provenance and Security Policies in a Web-based
Document Management System},
BOOKTITLE = {On-line Proceedings of the Workshop on Principles of Provenance (PrOPr)},
NOTE = {\url{http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/jcheney/propr/}},
LOCATION = {Edinburgh, Scotland, UK},
YEAR = 2007
Dynamic Inference of Polymorphic Lock Types
James Rose, Nikhil Swamy, and Michael Hicks
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Principles of
Distributed Computing (PODC) Workshop on Concurrency and Synchronization in
Java Programs (CSJP), pages 18-25, July 2004.
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We present an approach for automatically proving the absence of race
conditions in multi-threaded Java programs, using a combination of
dynamic and static analysis. The program in question is instrumented
so that when executed it will gather information about locking
relationships. This information is then fed to our tool, FindLocks,
that generates annotations needed to type check the program using the
Race-Free Java type system. Our approach
extends existing inference algorithms by being fully
context-sensitive. We describe the design and implementation of our
approach, and our experience applying the tool to a variety of Java
programs. In general, we have found the approach works well, but has
trouble scaling to large programs, which require extensive testing for
full coverage.
AUTHOR = {James Rose and Nikhil Swamy and Michael Hicks},
TITLE = {Dynamic Inference of Polymorphic Lock Types},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the {ACM} Conference on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) Workshop on Concurrency and Synchronization in Java Programs (CSJP)},
PAGES = {18--25},
MONTH = {July},
YEAR = 2004
RGL Study in Hybrid Real-Time Systems
Ken Hennacy, Nikhil Swamy and Don Perlis
In Proceedings of Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence (NCI) May 2003
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Our work focuses on the study of learning paradigms
within a hybrid reasoning system, consisting of a Neural
Network and Symbolic Reasoner. There are several
aspects to this problem that invite comparisons to work in
other fields of study involving for example, knowledge
representation, behavioral modeling, and neuromorphic
engineering. Central to this paper is a discussion on the
coupling between a particular learning paradigm and the
behaviors that a real-time system develops in attempting
to achieve a specific goal.
author = {Ken Hennacy and Nikhil Swamy and Don Perlis},
title = {{RGL} Study in Hybrid Real-Time Systems},
booktitle = {Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence},
year = 2003