Logging on to the Grace System
If you are taking cmsc106 or cmsc216 you will need to use
a system called Grace (grace.umd.edu). You can view this
system as a computer the university provides, where
you have been given an account. Your account is represented
by your directory id (e.g., terps). The account password is the usual
password associated with your directory id.
In order to access Grace you need programs (SSH Clients) that can
set up a connection between your computer and Grace so
you can log on using your account. Please follow the instructions
below that apply to your environment. A quick video for each
environment provides an idea of the logging process. Although not
the recommended approach, you can also connect to Grace using
an SSH Chrome extension (e.g.,
SSH Chrome Extension).
- PC →
- Install MobaXTerm, Home Edition (Free), Installer Edition.
- Start MobaXterm.
- To connect to Grace:
The following video illustrates the logging process
ConnectingToGraceWithMobaXterm. Instead of nelsonp, use your directory id.
- In MobaXterm select "Sessions", "New Session", "SSH".
- In "Remote host*" enter grace.umd.edu
- Select the "Specify username" checkbox and enter your
directory id (e.g., terps).
Select OK (bottom of the window).
Enter your password (the one associated with your directory id).
After providing the password, you can select "Yes" to store the password.
At this point you should be logged on to the grace system.
You can now issue commands by typing them next to the
prompt (e.g., grace4:~:) and pressing enter. The number
that appears after "grace" in the prompt does not need to be
4 (it can be any number).
Once you have logged on to Grace, you can test your environment by
opening the graphical version of the emacs editor by typing
emacs after the prompt. You can close emacs
by closing the emacs window.
To logout from Grace type logout
next to the prompt.
- Mac →
The following video illustrates the logging process
ConnectingToGraceWithXQuartz. Instead of nelsonp, use your directory id.
- Install XQuartz.
Restart your computer.
- To connect to Grace:
Start XQuartz.
Using XQuartz, open a window by selecting (Applications→Terminal).
In the terminal window type the following command to connect
to Grace: ssh -Y yourDirectoryID@grace.umd.edu
where yourDirectoryID needs to be replaced with your directory id
(e.g., terps). The video we provided below relies on -X, but you should be using -Y.
Once you are logged on to Grace, you will see the prompt (e.g., grace4:~).
You can now issue commands by typing them next to the prompt.
The number that appears after "grace" in the prompt does not need to be 4 (it can be any number).
Once you have logged on to Grace, you can test your environment by
opening the graphical version of the emacs editor by typing
emacs after the prompt. You can close emacs
by closing the emacs window.
To logout from Grace type logout
next to the prompt.
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