Dana Nau's lecture slides
Here are my lecture slides for Automated
Planning: Theory and Practice. I've posted both PDF and PPT versions.
I used these slides in a one-semester graduate-level AI Planning course at the University of Maryland in Spring 2012. The workload for the students included two exams, several homework assignments, and a term project.
- Chapter 1: Introduction [pdf]
- Chapter 2: Representations for Classical
Planning [pdf] [ppt]
- Chapter 3: Complexity of Classical Planning
[pdf] [ppt]
- Chapter 4: State-Space Planning [pdf]
- Chapter 5: Plan-Space Planning [pdf]
- Chapter 6: Planning-Graph Techniques
- Chapter 7: Propositional Satisfiability
Techniques [pdf] [ppt]
- Chapter 9: Heuristics in Planning [pdf]
- Intro to Part 3 [pdf]
- Chapter 10: Control Rules in Planning
- Chapter 11: Hierarchical Task Network
Planning [pdf] [ppt]
- Chapter 14, section 14.3: planning with
chronicles [pdf] [ppt]
- Chapter 15: Planning and Resource Scheduling
[pdf] [ppt]
- Chapter 16: Planning based on Markov
Decision Processes [pdf] [ppt]
- Chapter 17: Planning based on model
checking [pdf] [ppt]
- Chapter 20: Planning in Robotics [pdf]
- Chapter 23: Planning in the Game of
Bridge [pdf] [ppt]

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