ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical
Software Engineering (ISESE 2004) 19-20
August 2004 Redondo Beach CA, USA Third international symposium and first time in the USA |
Early registration deadline is July 26. For special hotel rates, the deadline is July 24. Register today!
Download poster of conference.
The objective of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE) is to provide a forum where researchers and practitioners can report on and discuss new research results in the area of empirical software engineering. This conference was previously held in Nara, Japan and Rome, Italy moves to the United States for 2004. For the first time, the conference will be held in the United States in Redondo Beach California at the Redondo Beach Crowne Plaza Marina and Hotel. |
symposium encourages the exchange of ideas to understand, from an empirical
viewpoint, the strengths and weaknesses of software engineering technologies.
The symposium focuses on the processes, design and structure of empirical
studies as well as the results of specific studies. These studies may vary from
controlled experiments to field studies, from quantitative to qualitative
studies. Selected
papers will be published in “Empirical Software Engineering: An International
Journal” (http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1382-3256). |
General Chair |
Co-Chair |
Co-Chair |
Marvin Zelkowitz |
Natalia Juristo |
Forrest Shull |
Department of Computer Science |
Politecnica de Madrid |
Fraunhofer Center for |
University of Maryland & Fraunhofer Center Maryland |
Campus de Montegancedo |
Software Engineering Maryland |
College Park, MD USA 20742 |
Boadilla del Monte |
4321 Hartwick Road, #500 |
mvz@cs.umd.edu |
Spain |
Park, MD USA 20740 |
+1-301-405-2690 |
natalia@fi.upm.es |
fshull@fc-md.umd.edu |
+34-913366922 |
+1-301-403-8970 |
Treasurer |
Proceedings |
Publicity |
Registration |
Hal Hart |
Sebastian Elbaum |
Markku Oivo |
Raymond Madachy |
Northrup Grumman |
Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln |
Univ. of Oulu |
Univ. of Southern California |
Other ISESE meetings |
2002 in Nara, Japan |
2003 in Rome, Italy |
2005 in Noosa Heads, Australia |