3D WireFrame Animation
How to use this applet:
Select Model Choice Button: You can choose different object (Cube,
Pyramid and Cylinder) from this list. Every time when changed the object
model, the applet will restart it's animation with the new selected object model.
Reset Camera Button: This will reset the camera to it's original position.
Reset Object Button: This will reset the object to it's original position(centered at world's origin).
Animation Section: Select the way how the animation going to be.
- Rotate Around Choice Button: The axis and direction the object is
going to rotate around.
- Spin Around Choic Button: The axis and direction the object is
going to spin around. (The axis goes through the center point of the object.
- Start Button: Click this button to start the animation. The
animation is started automatically when the applet is loaded.
- Stop Button: Click this button to stop the animation.
Manual Section: Select to manually move the object or camera.
- Move What Choice Button: If Object is chosed, the object movement
will respond to action. If Camera is chosed, the camera movement will respond
to action.
- Moveing Method Choice Button: Select the move action method.
(Translation, Spinning and Rotation). If Camera is selected, the spinning
selection is disabled.
- Action Buttons: Click these buttons to move the Object or Camera.
Object can not be moved during animation. However, Camera can be moved during
- Mouse Movement: If Object is selected to be moved. You can also
drag mouse on the object. Mouse drag action will translate the object or
spin the object according to the moving method that is selected. Mouse drag
action is not effective for rotation method.
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