#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Look for "--->" for things that you need to change for your # particular configuration. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # This simple Makefile which compiles a single C++ program, in the # source file $TARGET.cpp (where the variable TARGET is set below) # assuming a Unix system for OpenGL, GLUT, and X-windows. The directories # for OpenGL and GLUT will need to be changed depending on your system. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---> INSERT THE NAME OF YOUR SOURCE FILE HERE #----------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET = sample1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable settings: Set these according to your system configuration # # Compiler/Linker settings: # ------------------------- # C++ Your favorite C++ compiler (or C compiler). # CFLAGS Your compilation flags. # -g compile for debugging (e.g., dbx or gdb). # -O2 optimize code # -Wall give all warnings (highly recommended with # OpenGL programs) # MISC_LIBS Any miscellaneous libraries that your program # needs. # add -lm here for math library # add -lposix4 here for clock_gettime() # (a real-time clock on Solaris machines). # # # System/Platform-dependent settings (which you will need to set): # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # OGL_DIR Directory where OpenGL (or Mesa) resides # OGL_LIBS OpenGL library names # X_LIB X11 lib directory (where libX11, libXext live) # # System/Platform-dependent settings (you should not need to set): # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # OGL_LIB_DIR OpenGL library directory (where libGL lives) # OGL_INC_DIR OpenGL linclude directory (where GL/gl.h lives) # OGL_LFLAGS Loader flags for OpenGL stuff # X_LFLAGS Loader flags for X11 stuff # LD_FLAGS All loader flags #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---> USE THESE DEFINITIONS FOR CSIC Linux Cluster Machines #----------------------------------------------------------------------- OGL_DIR = /usr OGL_LIBS = -lGLU -lGL GLUT_DIR = /usr/local/freeglut GLUT_LIBS = -lglut X_LIB = /usr/X11R6/lib #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setting for all UMD platforms # ---> Set C++ to your C++ compiler # ---> Set CFLAGS according your desired option (debug/performance) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- C++ = g++ # CFLAGS = -g -Wall (for debugging) # CFLAGS = -O3 -Wall (for best performance) CFLAGS = -O3 -Wall MISC_LIBS = -lm OGL_LIB_DIR = $(OGL_DIR)/lib GLUT_LIB_DIR = $(GLUT_DIR)/lib OGL_INC_DIR = $(OGL_DIR)/include GLUT_INC_DIR = $(GLUT_DIR)/include OGL_LFLAGS = -L$(OGL_DIR)/lib -L$(GLUT_DIR)/lib -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/freeglut/lib $(OGL_LIBS) $(GLUT_LIBS) INC_FLAGS = -I$(OGL_INC_DIR) -I$(GLUT_INC_DIR) LD_FLAGS = $(OGL_LFLAGS) $(X_LFLAGS) $(MISC_LIBS) X_LFLAGS = -L$(X_LIB) -lX11 -lXext -lXmu -lXi #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compilation # This is the simplest form assuming a single source file. # If the file name is foo.cpp, set TARGET = foo, and the # object file will be put in foo.o, and the executable will # be put in foo. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- default: $(TARGET) $(TARGET).o: $(TARGET).cpp $(C++) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INC_FLAGS) $(TARGET).cpp $(TARGET): $(TARGET).o $(C++) $(CFLAGS) $(TARGET).o -o $(TARGET) $(LD_FLAGS) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---> ADD THE FOLLOWING IF YOU HAVE ADDITIONAL SOURCE FILES, xxx.cpp. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # xxx.o: xxx.cpp # $(C++) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INC_FLAGS) xxx.cpp #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clean-up # make clean remove .o and core files # make realclean also removes executable #----------------------------------------------------------------------- clean: rm -f *.o core realclean: clean rm -f $(TARGET)