MIPS: machine model |
Main memory |
data: 32-bit address:
range from 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF |
half of range reserved (see fig. 3-22) |
Processor |
registers: store data to perform operations |
faster than main memory |
load-store architecture |
access memory only
through load, store instructions |
register <--- data from
memory |
register ---> data to
memory |
amount of data in bytes
(1, 2, 4, 8) depends on instruction |
all other operations use
only registers or immediate values |
immediate: contained in
instruction |
CISC: may use register
and memory to perform operation |
registers |
32 general-purpose registers |
$r0-$r31 |
Design Principle #2: "Smaller is faster." |
16 floating point
registers |
arithmetic-logic unit |
performs operations on
values in registers |
control: determines how operations executed ("computer within
computer") |