ALU: 1-bit
This ALU can perform most of the data operations in the MIPS instruction set
Another operation, useful for branching: set on less than (slt)
Set the lsb to 1 if rs < rt, and 0 otherwise
If (a-b) is negative, then a < b: (a - b) < 0
(a - b) + b < 0 + b
a < b
Result is same as sign bit from subtraction: Connect sign bit from adder to lsb of output
Unfortunately, we can only do 1 ALU operation at a time (add or slt)
Need a new 1-bit ALU for the msb
with an extra output from adder
Extra output: Set
Additional MUX data input: Less
0 for all except lsb
Set value for lsb
Also add overflow detection
1-bit ALU with set on less than
(Fig. 4.17b)