Register conventions
 register conventions and mnemonics
Number Name Use
0 $zero hardwired 0 value
1 $at used by assembler (pseudo-instructions)
2-3 $v0-1 subroutine return value
4-7 $a0-3 arguments: subroutine parameter value
8-15 $t0-7 temp: can be used by subroutine without saving
16-23 $s0-7 saved: must be saved and restored by subroutine
24-25 $t8-9 temp
26-27 $k0-1 kernel: interrupt/trap handler
28 $gp global pointer (static or extern variables)
29 $sp stack pointer
30 $fp frame pointer
31 $ra return address for subroutine
Hi, Lo used in multiplication (provide 64 bits for result)
hidden registers
PC, the program counter, which stores the current address of the instruction
being executed
IR, which stores the instruction being executed