Answer: False. The problem is that you don't have enough information. It's not all about clock speed, but about other factors, such as how the program uses memory; how the memory is organized; if the program is CPU intensive, but one has floating point hardware and the other does floating point computations in software. You really can't tell-not ever-just by knowing the speed of the clock.
Answer: False. A positive SM integer has a sign bit of zero. A negative SM or TC integer has a sign bit of one. So, of course they are not the same.
Answer: False. There are bit patterns, ranging from zeros to ones. The tricky piece here is that is the value of the string of ones if it is interpreted as an unsigned binary number.
Also, a counterexample would be fine. And, had I asked you to prove that this was false, you would have been required to give a counter example for full credit.
Answer: True. See the answer to Problem 2, question 4.
Answer: False. You could either remember what I said in class, or derive the answer given the speed of light-that is, assuming that you know that a nanosecond is seconds. Given the speed of computers today, you really should know this.