Vassilios Lekakis (lex@cs)

Graduate Student, University of Maryland, Computer Science
Advisor: Pete Keleher

Curriculum Vitae

About Me

I am a graduate student in the Computer Sciense department at the University of Maryland. My interests are in the areas of distributed systems, filesystems and networks. In my current project I study how access control affects replication and consistency in weakly connected storage systems.


Don't Trust Your Roommate, or, Access Control and Replication Protocols
in "Home" Environments
V. Lekakis, Y. Basagalar, P. Keleher
The 4th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and Fille Systems (HotStorage '12)
Growing Distributed Systems from a Spore
Y. Basagalar, V. Lekakis, P. Keleher
IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) , 2012
(pdf) (www) Selfish Overlay Network Creation and Maintenance
G.Smaragdakis,N.Laoutaris, V. Lekakis,A.Bestavros, J.W. Byers, M. Roussopoulos
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking, 2011
(pdf) (www) Sall1 regulates embryonic stem cell differentiation in association with Nanog
8 Karantzali E, Lekakis V, Ioannou M, Hadjimichael C, Papamatheakis J, Kretsovali A
JBC (The Journal of Biological Chemistry)
EGOIST: Overlay Routing using Selfish Neighbor Selection
G.Smaragdakis, V.Lekakis, N.Laoutaris, A.Bestavros, J.W. Byers, M. Roussopoulos
CoNEXT 2008 (ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies)

Active Projects


Last modified: November 2013 -lex