Computer Networks - CMSC 417, Spring 2000, Section 0101
Basic Information
- Time: TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm
- Location: CSS
- Instructor: Leana Golubchik, E-mail:
- Office: 4129 AVW, Office Hours: Tu 1:45pm - 2:45pm, Th 1:45pm - 2:45pm,
or by appointment
- TA: Kuo-Tung Kuo, E-mail:
- Office: 1152 AVW, Office Hours: Wed 1:00pm - 2:00pm, Fri 1:00pm - 2:00pm,
or by appointment
Class Resources
- 5/19: Homework 5 solutions are now available (at
the usual place).
- 5/11: Homework 4 solutions are now available (at
the usual place).
- 5/11: The term project code (final submission) is
due on May 20 at noon; no late submissions allowed.
- 5/9: Homework 5 has been assigned; it is due
on Tuesday, May 16th, at the beginning of class.
- 5/3: Another small modification was made to the RFC;
the new version is posted below, the change is briefly
- 5/1: Percetage allocation (for the project and the course)
have been posted above.
- 5/1: Homework 4 has been assigned; it is due
on Tuesday, May 9th, at the beginning of class.
- 4/27: Another small modification was made to the RFC;
the new version is posted below, the change is briefly
- 4/26: The TA posted a new parser on the project
newsgroup. It is also included below.
- 4/26: The updated RFC (based on the TA's comments
during the last lecture) has been posted below.
Please send email to me and the TA with problems.
- 4/21: Term project RFC has been posted (below).
Watch this web page for possible corrections.
Please send email to me and the TA with problems.
- 4/21: Group membership information for the term project
has been posted below and on the term project newsgroup.
- 4/17: There will not be a term project meeting today,
Mon, 4/17, as I was unable to schedule it with the other
section. Since we are unable to meet with the other section,
we will resolve whatever significant questions (if any)
remain about the term project design in class on Tue, 4/18. Given
that we will not meet today, I am extending the submission deadline
until Wed, 4/19, noon.
- 4/14: Final exam will be on Monday, 5/22/00,
10:30 am-12:30 pm, in CSS 2324.
- 4/14: Final RFC guidelines and task assignments for the term
project have been posted below (as discussed in class and posted
on the term project newsgroup).
- 4/10: Reminder: If you haven't done so already,
please post your RFC's (one per group) on the project newsgroup.
- 4/5: The deadline for submission of each group's
RFCs has been extended till Sunday, April 9th, midnight.
NOTE: please do NOT post your RFC's on the term project
newsgroup until AFTER the deadline.
- 3/28: Term project description and outline
have been re-posted below, as requested in class.
- 3/17: Term project description was posted on the
class and the term project newsgroups. Please also
read RFC 1459 which describes IRC, Internet Relay Chat,
(as I mentioned in class).
- 3/14: Reminder: Midterm is on Thursday, March 30th.
- 3/14: Homework 3 has been assigned; it is due
on Tuesday, March 28th, at the beginning of
class (note that late policy does not apply due to the midterm).
- 3/14: Project 5 description has been posted. Note that
the deadline is different from what I mentioned in class,
i.e., it is March 27th, which is later than
what I said in class.
- 3/8: Read TA's posting about submission guidelines and
his executables.
- 3/9: Project 4's submitted by the original deadline
will receive a 10% bonus, but only if they satisfy all
project requirements.
- 3/8: Read TA's posting about submission guidelines and
his executables.
- 3/8: Project 4 deadline is extended till March 13, Monday
- 3/6: Take a look at (today's) posting on the newsgroup
regarding problem with function find_link.
- 3/5: The TA posted a message on the newsgroup
regarding a change in the "-v command line argument";
please read.
- 3/2: Homework 2 has been posted and
will be due on 3/14/2000 (beginning
of class). Please see the homeworks page.
- 3/1: Project 4 header files and code have been posted below.
- 2/29: Project 4 description has been posted below.
It is due on 3/9/2000 (midnight). Corresponding handouts
will be posted soon.
- 2/24: Project 3 deadline has been extended to midnight on
Monday, 2/28/2000. Projects submitted before the original
deadline (midnight 2/25/200) will receive a 10% bonus.
- 2/24: Take a look at the news posting on Wed, 2/23, regarding
a bug in db.c.
- 2/23: Additional project 3 guidelines/notes have been posted below.
- 2/21: Homework 1 has been posted and
will be due on 2/29/2000.
Please see the homeworks page.
- 2/17: Project 3 description and corresponding handouts have
been posted below.
- 2/13: Sample code for the project 1 client
has been posted on the class newsgroup.
- 2/9: An update on the optional server hostname argument
for Project 2 has been posted on the class newsgroup.
- 2/9: A modification has been made to the port assignment
description in Project 2; please take a look.
- 2/9: Project 2 description is available
below; project 2 is
due on 2/16/2000 (before midnight).
- 2/6: Additional information for project 1 has been added
to the project notes
(regarding the difference between host
byte order and network byte order); please take a look.
- 2/1: The client code template and the header file
included in the Project 1 description have been modified
(on Tue Feb 1 18:59:31 EST 2000); the client template code
now includes a command line parser. Some additions were
also made to the project notes. Please check the new versions.
- 2/1: Project 1 description is available
below; project 1 is
due on 2/9/2000 (before midnight).
- 1/24: You should obtain your account information
(user ID and password) from the TA after the first lecture.
- Projects submission guidelines
and notes.
- Project 1 description
and notes.
- Project 2 description.
- Project 3 description
and headers, sample database,
database code (tar file) and notes.
- Project 4 description and
headers, code, flex2.5.4!
- Project 5 description.
- Term project description,
design document outline,
final RFC guidelines,
task assignment,
group setup information,
new parser (gziped tar file),
(all as posted on the newsgroup),