The main focus of this course is description and properties
of advanced data structures, as well as algorithms for
manipulating these data structures. Applications include
areas such as information retrieval and operating systems.
Required Text Books
- H. Samet, The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990. ISBN 0-201-50255-0.
- H. Samet, Notes on Data Structures (F'00).
Tentative Topics Covered
- Basic Data Structures
- Trees
- Graphs
- Sorting
- Searching
- Balanced-Tree Searching
- B-trees and Red-Black Trees
- Point Methods
- Hashing
- Winged Edge Data Structure
- Lists and Garbage Collection
- Dynamic Storage Allocation
- Alternative Rectangle Representation
- Priority Search Trees and Range Trees
- Representations of Line Segments
4-8 homework assignments consisting of problems.
A major programming project to be writeen in C or C++. It will
be submitted incrementally as specified in the
project specification (access restricted).
A midterm and a final will be given.
Any schedule conflicts involving exam dates must be reported to
the instructor within one week of the announcement of the exam date.
Grading (Tentative)
- Homeworks: 10%
- Projects: 35%
- Midterm: 25%
- Final: 30%
The weights are approximate and may change by upto 5%.
The instructor reserves the right to fail, regardless of overall
numeric score, students who do not submit
a good faith attempt to complete all programming assignments.
Regrading Policy
All requests to change grading of homework, programming projects, or
exams must be submitted in writing within one week
of when initial grade was given. Requests must be specific
and explain why you feel your answer deserves additional credit.
A request to re-grade an assignment can result in the entire assignment
being re-evaluated and as a result the score of any part of
the assignment be increased or lowered as appropriate.
Academic Integrity
All work that you submit in this course must be your own.
See the Undergraduate
Catalog for definitions and sanctions. Academic dishonesty is
a serious offense which may result in suspension or expulsion
from the University. In addition to any other action taken, the grade
"XF" denoting "failure due to academic dishonesty" will normally be
recorded on the transcript of students found responsible for acts of
academic dishonesty. Sharing of code on programming assignments or
solutions of homework assignments are forms of academic dishonesty.
Class Newsgroup
The class newsgroup is
csd.cmsc420.0301 on the nntp.cs.umd.edu
newsserver. This will be used mainly for discussions.
Most class related announcements will be done through e-mail via
an e-mail reflector setup by the University of Maryland Electronic
Gradeing system. Please make sure that your e-mail address
is up to date at the university.