TAKE-HOME FINAL EXAM DUE DATE: Thu, Dec 18th, by 4:00pm, in my office.
PAPERS DUE DATE: Tue, Dec 16th, by 4:00pm, in my office.
Multi-computer database systems, Parallel I/O, Multi-dimensional
array organization, and OS support for multimedia applications
notes and related papers as well as viewgraphs and papers from
student presentations (all the ones that were submitted)
are now available in
the department library (see details below).
Guest speaker on Nov. 11th: Frank Miller will
give a talk on Data Streaming for Multimedia Systems
Multimedia systems display a behavior termed data streaming. Applications
on these systems move data repetetively from one I/O device to another.
There has been a wealth of research in recent years on ways to support
data streaming in operating systems. Techniques exist that can boost
performance dramatically over current production systems. This talk
reviews a representative sample of this research. In addition, an overview
of a new operating system, called Roadrunner, that includes an I/O system
designed and implemented from the ground up to support efficient data
streaming will be presented.
A subset of the set of notes and papers in the library is also
available outside my office door. If you take it to make
copies, please be courteous to your fellow students and return
it promptly.
Class Notes in the Department Library and Outside My Office Door
(as of 3:00 p.m., 12/14/97) :