Jandelyn Plane
Department of Computer Science
A.V.Williams Building - Office #3143
University of Maryland, College Park
College Park, MD 20742

Educational Experience:

Bachelor's of Arts: 1983 - 1987
Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa; Cumulative G.P.A.: 3.8
Triple major: computer science, philosophy and mathematics
Masters of Science in Computer Science: 1987 - 1989
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee;
graduated May, 1989; G.P.A.: 3.7
Graduate Study in Cognitive Science: 1989 - 1991
University of Maryland, College Park;
completed all but a dissertation for a masters degree before leaving the philosophy department in order to take the full-time faculty position in the computer science department. Area of Concentration: "How people learn" and how this can be related to artificial intelligence.
Ph.D. in Education Policy and Leadership: 1999-2010
University of Maryland, College Park;
Courses in college teaching, curriculum theory and development, university student retention, international comparative education, higher education, educational sociology, and reaearch methods
Dissertation: Approaching Gender Parity: Women in Computer Science at Afghanistan's Kabul University

Employment Experience:

University of Maryland, College Park

Computer Science Department Instructor (Aug. 1990 - April 2007) Senior Lecturer (April 2007 - Present) -- Permanence Awarded: November, 1995;
Instructor for Computer Science courses and advisor to undergraduate students. As an instructor I am responsible for lecturing to both large and small groups, managing the teaching assistants assigned to those courses and designing course curriculums for courses already being taught as well as new courses that are being added to the offerings. As an advisor I am responsible for helping students plan their courses term by term and helping them to make decisions about academic major and post graduation tracks. I have also done many book reviews for publishers including general topic design through to final review process. Several semesters I acted as an assistant in the Education Office as a portion of my duties.

Maryland Center for Women in Computing - Director (January 2014-present)
The Maryland Center for Women in Computing provides programs for graduate and undergraduate students currently studying in all areas of computing at the University of Maryland in addition to operating programs to designed to attract more girls to consider computing fields. These programs include the CompSciConnect summer/school year camp, outreach programs into local middle schools and high schools, programs working with the outside support organizations like the Girl Scouts, and programs to support and mentor our current grad and undergrad women. The Center is supported by the College of Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences (CMNS), the Univeristy of Marland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS), and the Computer Science Department (CMSC) in addition to corporate sponsors. The goal of the Center is to do research to determine which of these interventions have the largest impact and should be used to improve the pipeline of women into computing.

Honor's College - Associate Director for ACES: Living Learning Program in CyberSecurity (May 2013-present)
In this program we are taking a unique multidisciplinary approach to teaching about cybersecurity. Through a series of classes and experiential learning opportunities, the students see cybersecurity issues not only from the technical side but also through ethical, financial, policy, statistical and other lenses.

Center for International Development and Conflict Management - BSOS (November 1999-December 2003 & September 2005-Present)
Computer Science portion coordinator for research project/partnership between the University of Maryland College Park and the National University of Rwanda. Funded by the Education for Democracy and Development Initiative of USAID. Designed curriculum and graduation requirements for their new computer science program. Taught computer science courses using both face-to-face and distance methods including a completely packaged UNIX course. Taught course for new instructors from three African universities on teaching methods. (November 1999-December 2003) Worked with in cooperation with the Washington State Center to Bridge the Digital Divide and University of the Western Cape in South Africa to rebuild the computer science department of Kabul University in Afghanistan. This is done through improvements to the undergraduate program both in content and pedagogy, the developement of a master's program and assisting the current faculty in the attainment of master's degrees. (September 2005-2010)

Computer Science Center Trainer & Documentation Project Leader (July 1989-Aug. 1990)
Teach peer training and short course classes. Assist in the writing and layout of technical resources and promotional material for the Computer Science Center.

Philosophy Department Teaching Assistant (Jan. 1990-May 1990)
Responsible for arranging and grading computer exercises used to help students understand the process of scientific reasoning. The major assignments of the course were exercises using computer assisted instruction. Also arranged and graded writing assignments, term papers and exams. Presented the results at the conference on computers in philosophy.

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Computer Services Division Faculty Consultant (Feb. 1988 - May 1989)
Taught faculty and students about the use and operation of computers. Did both large groups in the classroom and smaller groups/individuals in an office setting. Classes dealt with microcomputers, the UNIX operating system and electronic communications.

Computer Science Department Teaching Assistant (Aug. 1988 - May 1989)
During the fall term, conducted labs (discussion sections) for a structured programming course. The second class in the UWM curriculum in Pascal and Fortran programming. In the spring term, because of my performance with the labs, I was given the two largest lecture groups which consisted of approximately 200 students. I was responsible for the preparation of exams and the coordination of the teaching assistants who conducted the eight discussion sections for my students. The TA's were responsible for the grading of projects and keeping records for the student in their labs.

Centrum Computers, Inc., West Bend, WI

Programmer/Instructor (May 1987 - March 1988)
Developed specialty programs, performed hardware repairs, wrote curriculum guidelines and trained individuals and groups in the use of IBM-compatible computers. These included both special-purpose applications and standard word processing and financial software.

Unico, Inc., Franksville, Wisconsin

Programmer, Computer Science Intern (May 1986 - Aug. 1986)
Translated programs onto a new VAX computer, explored the arrangement of a new type of database, and investigated the possibility of using rule base programming for certain applications in the scheduling of factory work.

Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa

Computer Service Center Computer Consultant/Trainer (Academic Years 1985-1987)
Assisted student with difficulties and handled hardware problems in the lab. Promoted to train and assist administrative personnel and faculty members in their computer use.

Math/CS Dept. and Philosophy Dept. Instructional Assistant (Academic Years 1985 - 1987)
Taught students individually, conducted large group study session and taught classes in the professors absence. Entrusted with the grading of programming and written assignments, term papers and exams.

Teaching And Advising:


Volunteer Activities In K-12 Education: