Submission instructions
In a directory hw2 include:
- Bank, ATM and Router code as well as their compiled versions.
Code should be compiled with the javac compiler on your grace account.
- Files Alice.card and Bob.card
- Files AlicePIN.txt and BobPIN.txt
- Your design document
- A README file including the Name, UID and Grace username of the
members of your team.
Create an archive by running the following command from the directory containing
hw2 :
        gtar czvf hw2.tar.gz hw2
Then submit the archive through the submit script:
        submit 2008 spring cmsc 414 0101 2 hw1.tar.gz
- 1. The stub code for the Bank blocks awaiting input from
stdin but it needs to handle requests from the ATM through the socket.
How do we do this?
- This will have to be handled with threads which the stub code for
the bank does not incorporate. Please modify the Bank code accordingly.