CMSC 414 - Computer and Network Security

Spring 2008

Course Outline

This course is an introduction to the broad field of computer and information security. We will cover both computer security (including such topics as security policies, access control, viruses, etc.) and network security (such as protocols for maintaining confidentiality of email or for secure web transactions), along with some relevant background in basic cryptography.

The course material will be developed throughout the semester, based in part on the interests of the students. To get a sense for what will be covered, please see the webpages for my previous offerings of this course (Fall 2004 and Fall 2003). The course this semester will be similar, but not identical, to those previous courses.

General Information



Instructor: Jonathan Katz (jkatz AT cs). Office: 3225 A.V. Williams Building. Office hours: Tuesday after class, and/or by appointment. Please email me if you plan to come to office hours, as I sometimes step out briefly.
Teaching Assistants: Martin Paraskevov (martin AT cs). Office hours (in TA room, 1112 A.V. Williams): Tuesday 11-1.

Syllabus, lecture slides, and readings (updated throughout the semester)

Handouts and Homeworks

Links to related sites, news articles, etc.