(Note: This page is for the second edition of the book. We are pleased to announce that the third edition of the book is now available.)
Introduction to Modern Cryptography is an introductory-level
treatment of cryptography written from a modern, computer science perspective.
It is unique in its blend of theory and practice, covering standardized cryptosystems widely used in practice without sacrificing rigor or an emphasis on foundations.
It is intended to be used as a textbook in undergraduate- or graduate-level introductory courses,
for self-study, or as a reference
for security researchers and practitioners.
The table of contents and preface of the book are available for perusal. The preface explains the many additions to, and changes from, the first edition.
Instructors who are considering adopting the book for their course are invited to email the authors for an examination copy. A solutions manual is also available to instructors who adopt the book for their course.
We do not have a full set of slides for the book available.
However, slides are avalable for courses based on our book that were taught by
ourselves and others.
A list of errata for the second edition is available. However, note that the errata are no longer being updated.
The webpage for the first edition is still available here.
This text (whether the first or second edition) has been used in courses at: