Books, manuscripts, and lecture notes available on-line
M. Bellare and P. Rogaway: Lecture Notes for an undergraduate/graduate course at UCSD.
O. Goldreich: Foundations of Cryptography. An excellent, but advanced, overview of cryptography. Volume 2 (covering encryption, digital signatures, and multi-party computation) is currently available on-line.
S. Goldwasser and M. Bellare: Lecture Notes on Cryptography. Definitions and theoretical foundations of cryptgraphy. Somewhat outdated, but very thorough.
A.J. Menezes, P.C. van Ooorschot, and S.A. Vanstone: Handbook of Applied Cryptography. More of a reference than a textbook, and takes more of an informal approach.
V. Shoup: A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra. This is one of the best references available for someone interested in cryptographic applications of number theory and algebra.
D. Angluin: Lecture Notes on the Complexity of Some Problems in Number Theory. Outdated but still good. Available for download (ps | pdf).
J. Katz: Lecture Notes for undergraduate crypto. Not yet complete, and a bit unpolished, but may be helpful background reading for some of the topics we will cover.
Various lecture notes on cryptography:
Links to research papers
Note that some of these links will only work on University of Maryland systems
- Two excellent searchable bibliographies: the DBLP bibliography and CiteSeer. The latter also contains archived versions of many papers.
- Many conference proceedings (including Crypto, Eurocrypt, Asiacrypt, Public-Key Cryptography, etc.) are published by Springer Verlag and are available on line. A direct link to Crypto, Eurocrypt, and Asiacrypt volumes is also available.
- Many papers on cryptography are also published in FOCS, STOC, PODC, and CCCS (to name a few).
- The eprint archives offers rapid (i.e., unrefereed) publication of recent results