CMSC 858K --- Introduction to Cryptography

Spring 2011

Course Outline

This course is a graduate-level introduction to cryptography, suitable for students interested in mathematics or theoretical computer science (and, in particular, research in cryptography), as well as those interested in applications of cryptography to computer/network security.

The first one-half to two-thirds of the course will cover the textbook Introduction to Modern Cryptography. This is the same textbook used in the undergraduate cryptography course (CMSC 456); we will cover the material at a faster pace and in more depth. The remainder of the course will cover advanced topics. Depending on the time available and the interests of the students, topics may include zero-knowledge proofs, secure distributed computation, chosen-ciphertext security, identity-based encryption, lattice-based cryptography, and/or database privacy.

No prior knowledge of cryptography is assumed and there are no formal mathematical prerequisites. However, the course is theoretical and focuses on definitions, foundations, and rigorous proofs. Mathematical maturity (including the ability to think abstractly, and to read and write proofs) is required.

Lecture Schedule

After each lecture, I will post a summary of what we cover here.

General Information

Review Questions