CMSC 414 - Computer and Network Security
Fall 2004
Course Outline
This course is an introduction to the broad field of information security.
We will cover both computer security (including such topics as security policies, access control, viruses, etc.) and network security (such as protocols for maintaining confidentiality of email or for secure web transactions).
Note that there is not always a clear dividing line between the two areas.
The course material will be developed throughout the semester, based in part on the interests of the students.
A syllabus for the course will be updated as the semester progresses.
General Information
- The class meets Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 - 3:15 in 3117 CSIC.
- Two textbooks will be used for this course: "Security in Computing, 3rd edition" (by Pfleeger and Pfleeger) and "Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World,
2nd edition" (by Kaufman, Perlman, and Speciner).
The first book will be used primarily for the portion of the class dealing with computer security, while the second will be primarily used when we talk about network security.
Neither textbook is officially required, but both books will help you understand the material covered in class and are fair game for the exams (both books are on reserve in the CS library).
If you are only going to buy one of these books, I recommend the first.
A schedule of readings, as well as links to additional reading, will be posted on the syllabus.
- Additional readings are posted on the syllabus in advance of class. I expect students to read these before class so we can discuss them in class.
- Another useful reference is "Computer Security" (by Bishop). This book will also be placed on reserve in the CS library.
- Grading will be based on five homeworks (40%), two midterm exams (30%), a final exam (30%). Class participation will be taken into account for borderline grades.
- Homework
- Late policy: Late homeworks will not be accepted;
turn in whatever you have completed by the deadline.
If you foresee a problem completing the homework in time due to personal circumstances, speak to me about it well in advance.
- Homeworks will be done in teams of two students. It is expected that both students will be involved in all phases of each homework (i.e., you should not divide the homework so that one student works on the first question while the other works on the second). On the midterms, I will ask detailed questions based on the homeworks and it will be easy to catch someone who does not know what is going on.
- You may consult outside references when doing the homework, as long as these sources are properly referenced, you write up the solution yourself, and you understand the answer.
For example, if you look at other source code, you may not copy the code directly in your program, but you may model your program after it. And you must reference it!
- Check the course homepage frequently since announcements will be posted here and all handouts will be distributed via the web.
Instructor: Jonathan Katz (jkatz AT cs). Office: 3225 A.V. Williams Building. Office hours: Thursday 3:30 - 4:30, or by appointment
Teaching Assistants: Srinivasan Parthasarathy (sri AT cs) and Ji Sun Shin (sunny AT cs).
Office hours (in TA room, 1112 A.V. Williams):
- Srinivasan: Tuesday and Wednesday 3:30 - 4:30, or by appointment.
- Ji Sun: Monday 10 - 11, or by appointment.
- Important: Please check your dc account email for information regarding HW4. There were some homeworks that need to be resubmitted!
- The course newsgroup is now up.
- Instructions for homework submission are available here
Syllabus (updated throughout the semester)
Programming resources/tutorials: