CMSC 414 - Computer and Network Security
Fall 2003
Course Outline
This course is an introduction to the broad field of information security.
We will cover both computer security (including such topics as security policies, access control, viruses, etc.) and network security (such as protocols for maintaining confidentiality of email or for secure web transactions).
Note that there is not always a clear dividing line between the two areas.
The course material will be developed throughout the semester, based in part on the interests of the students.
A syllabus for the course will be updated as the semester progresses.
General Information
- The class meets Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 - 10:45 in 3117 CSIC.
- Two textbooks will be used for this course: "Computer Security: Art and Science" (by Bishop) and "Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World,"
2nd edition (by Kaufman, Perlman, and Speciner).
Neither textbook is officially required, but both books will help you understand the material covered in class and are fair game for the exams (both books are on reserve in the CS library).
A schedule of readings, as well as links to additional reading, will be posted on the syllabus.
- Grading will be based on homeworks (15%), a final project (25%), a midterm (25%), a final exam (30%), and class participation (5%).
- Homework
- Late policy: Late homeworks will not be accepted;
turn in whatever you have completed by the deadline.
If you foresee a problem completing the homework in time due to personal circumstances, speak to me about it well in advance.
If you foresee a problem because the homework is too difficult, tell me (well in advance) and I will discuss with the TAs whether to extend the deadline for everyone.
- You may discuss the homeworks with at most three other students in the class. Each student must independently write up their own solutions (this includes both the written and programming components of the homework). Cheating will not be tolerated!
- You may consult outside references when doing the homework, as long as these sources are properly referenced, you write up the solution yourself, and you understand the answer.
For example, if you look at other source code, you may not copy this code directly in your program, but you may model your program after it. And you must reference it!
- Check the course homepage frequently since announcements will be posted here and all handouts will be distributed via the web.
Instructor: Jonathan Katz (jkatz@cs). Office: 3225 A.V. Williams Building. Office hours: Thursday 11-12, or by appointment
Teaching Assistants: Taowei (David) Wang (tw7@cs) and Adel Youssef (adel@cs).
Office hours (in TA room, 1112 A.V. Williams):
- David: Monday 1:30 - 2:30, Wednesday 1:30 - 3:30, or by appointment.
- Adel: Friday 12:00 - 1:00, or by appointment.
- The final exam will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 8 AM. It will be in 3117 CSIC.
- Please fill out a course evaluation for this class. Details and a link to the course evaluation page can be found here
- The final project is now available from the handouts page. The project should be done in teams of two. Please email the TAs if you need help finding a partner.
- The course newsgroup is now up. Feel free to post questions about the homework for other students and the TAs! (Note: if it is a question that you need me to answer, send me email directly.)
Syllabus (updated throughout the semester)
Programming resources/tutorials: