818Z (Fall 1996)
Reading List
9/17 Expressing Parallelism (implicit)
9/19 Expressing Parallelism (explicit)
9/19 Expressing Parallelism (mixed)
10/22 Correctness Debuggers
10/24 Race Detection
10/29 Distributed Shared Memory
10/31 Scheduling
11/5 Midterm Exam
11/7 Message Passing and Communication (Hseomsang Eom)
11/12 Performance Metrics (Krishnamoorthy Subramaniam)
11/14 Work In Progress Reports for Class Projects
11/19 No Class
11/21 Data Collection and Instrumentation (Janaki Goteti)
11/26 Performance Tools (Suman Banerjaee)
11/28 No Class (Thanksgiving)
12/3 Performance Prediction
12/5 Parallel I/O (Mike Beynon)
12/10 Project Presentations
12/12 Project Presentations