CMSC 714 (Fall
Tentative Reading List
9/2 Parallel Computing and Parallel Computers
Lecture Notes
9/4 Applications of Parallel Computing
Lecture Notes
Programming Models
9/9 Expressing Parallelism (Explicit Control)
"The PVM Concurrent Computing System: Evolution, Experiences, and Trends", (Postscript)
J. J. Dongarra, S. W. Otto, M. Snir, and D. Walker, "A message passing standard for MPP and workstations," CACM, 39(7), 1996, pp. 84-90. (PDF)
9/11 Expressing Parallelism (Implicit Control)
William W. Carlson , et al, “Introduction to UPC and Language Specification”, CCS-TR-99-157, (PDF)
L. Dagum and R. Menon, "OpenMP: An Industry-Standard API for Shared-Memory Programming," IEEE Computational Science & Engineering, 5(1), 1998, pp. 46-55. (PDF)
9/16 Expressing Parallelism (Data Layout)
"Compiling HPF for Distributed Memory MIMD
Computers", (Postscript)
“14.9 TFLOPS Three-dimensional Fluid Simulation for Fusion Science with HPF on the Earth Simulator,” Hitoshi Sakagami, Hitoshi Murai, Yoshiki Seo, Mitsuo Yokokawa, to Appear SC’02 (PDF)
9/18 No
Class - Hurricane
9/23 Other
Programming Models
“The Sisal Model of Functional Programming and its Implementation,” (PDF)
9/25 Shared Memory
Laudon, J., Lenoski, D., “The SGI Origin: a ccNUMA highly scalable server”, ISCA '97, pp. 241-51, May 1997 (PDF)
Alan E Charlesworth , “The Sun Fireplane System Interconnect “, Proceedings of SC’01, Nov. 2001. (PDF)
9/30 Message Passing and Communication
Fabrizio Petrini. Wu-chun Feng, Adolfy Hoisie, Salvador Coll, Eitan
Frachtenberg, “The Quadrics Network: High-Performance Clustering Technology,”
IEEE Micro Jan-Feb 2002, pp. 46-57. (PDF)
S. L. Scott, "Synchronization and Communication in the T3E Multiprocessor", Proc. ASPLOS VII, Cambridge, MA, Oct. 1996 (Postscript)
10/2 Vectors and Threading
Gail Alverson, Preston Briggs, Susan , Simon Kahan, Richard Korry, “Tera hardware-software cooperation”, SC’97, Nov. 1997, (PDF)
P. H. Worley, and T. H. Dunigan, Jr., Early Performance Evaluation of the Cray X1 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory”, Cray User’s Group Conference, Columbus, OH, May 12-16, 2003, (PDF)
10/7 Computational
Grid book, Chapters 1-2
10/9 Event Ordering (Lamport paper only – same day as Race Detection)
L. Lamport, "Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System," CACM, 21(7), 1978, pp. 558-564 (PDF).
Netzer, R. H. B. and Miller, B.P., "What are Race Conditions? Some Issues and Formalizations", LOPLAS 1(1), March 1992. (PDF)
10/9 Race Detection (Savage paper only – same day as Event Ordering)
S. Savage, M. Burrows, G. Nelson, P. Sobalvarro, and T. Anderson, "Eraser: A Dynamic Data Race Detector for Multi-Threaded Programs," Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (PDF).
A. Dinning and E. Schonberg, “An empirical comparison of monitoring algorithms for access anomaly detection,” Second ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles & practice of parallel programming, 1990, Pages 1 – 10 (PDF).
10/14 Performance Metrics
A. J. Goldberg and J. L. Hennessy, "Performance Debugging Shared Memory Multiprocessor Programs with MTOOL", Supercomputing'91. Nov. 18-22, 1991, Albuquerque, NM, pp. 481-490 (PDF).
J. K. Hollingsworth, "Critical Path Profiling of Message Passing and Shared-memory Programs," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 9(10), 1998, pp. 1029-1040. (PDF).
10/16 Data Collection and Instrumentation
J. R. Larus and E. Schnarr, "EEL: Machine-Independent Executable Editing", In Proceedings of the 1995 SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 291-300, June 1995. (Postscript).
B. R. Buck and J.K. Hollingsworth , “An API for
Runtime Code Patching,” Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 14
(4) (Winter 2000), pp. 317-329. (PDF)
10/21 Scheduling -
Short Term
John K Ousterhout, "Scheduling Techniques for
Concurrent Systems", International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,
1982, pp 22-30. (PDF).
A. C. Dusseau, R. H. Arpaci, D. E. Culler, "Effective Distributed Scheduling of Parallel Workloads", ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, May 1996, Philadelphia, PA. (PDF).
10/28 Midterm Exam
10/23 Performance Tools
L. A. De Rose, D. A. Reed, “SvPablo: A Multi-Language Architecture-Independent Performance Analysis System, Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Parallel Processing (PDF).
B. P. Miller, M. D. Callaghan, J. M. Cargille, J. K. Hollingsworth, R. B. Irvin, K. L. Karavanic, K. Kunchithapadam, and T. Newhall, "The Paradyn Parallel Performance Measurement Tools", IEEE Computer, Nov. 1995. 28(11), pp. 37-46. (PDF)
10/30 Computational Steering
W. Gu, G. Eisenhauer, E. Kraemer, K. Schwan, J. Stasko, J. Vetter, and N. Mallavurupu, "Falcon: On-line Monitoring and Steering of Large-Scale Parallel Programs," Frontiers '95. Feb 6-9, 1995, McLean, VA, IEEE Press, pp. 422-429. (Postscript)
R. L. Ribler, J. S. Vetter, H. Simitci, and D. A. Reed, "Autopilot: Adaptive Control of Distributed Applications," High Performance Distributed Computing, Chicago, IL, pp. 172-9, 1998 (PDF).
11/4 Cache Tools
John Mellor-Crummey, David Whalley, Ken Kennedy, “Improving Memory Hierarchy Performance for Irregular Applications Using Data and Computation Reorderings,” International Journal of Parallel Programming, 29(3), June 2001. (PDF)
Margaret Martonosi, Anoop Gupta, Thomas Anderson, “MemSpy: analyzing memory system bottlenecks in programs”, SIGMETRICS 92, (PDF)
11/6 Resource Aware Applications
Grid Book - Chapter 12
B. D. Noble, M. Satyanarayanan, D. Narayanan, J. E. Tilton, J. Flinn, and K. R. Walker, "Agile Application-Aware Adaptation for Mobility," Proceedings of the 16th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles. Oct. 1997. (PDF)
OS Issues
11/11 Scheduling - Long Term
D. G. Feitelson and A. M. a. Weil, "Utilization and Predictability in Scheduling the IBM SP2 with Backfilling," 2th Intl. Parallel Processing Symposium. April 1998, Orlando, Florida, pp. 542-546. (Use this extended form – (PDF)
11/13 Grid OS Support
M. Litzkow, M. Livny, and M. Mutka, "Condor - A Hunter of Idle Workstations," International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. June 1988, pp. 104-111. (PDF).
K. D. Ryu, J. K. Hollingsworth, and P. Keleher , “:Efficient Network and I/O Throttling for Fine-Grain Cycle Stealing ,” SC'01 November 2001 (PDF).
Grid Book - Chapter 11
11/18 Parallel I/O
Terry Jones, Alice Koniges and R. Kim Yates, “Performance of the IBM General Parallel File System,” 14th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'00), (PDF)
A. Acharya, M. Uysal, and J. Saltz, "Active Disks: Programming Model, Algorithms and Evaluation," Eighth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. Oct.1998, San Jose, CA. (PDF)
11/20 Work in Progress session
11/25 Performance
M. E. Crovella, Thomas J. LeBlanc, "Parallel Performance Prediction Using Lost Cycles", Proceedings of Supercomputing '94, 1994. (Postscript)
E. Deelman, et al., "Poems: end-to-end performance design of large parallel adaptive computational systems," WOSP: International Workshop on Software and Performance. Oct. 1998, Santa Fe, NM, pp. 18-30. (PDF)
11/27 Thanksgiving
Commercial Applications
12/4 High Performance Web Servers
A. Fox, S.D. Gribble, Y. Chawathe, E.A. Brewer, P. Gauthier, “Cluster-based scalable network services,” SOSP’97, pp. 78-91 (PDF).
D. Karger, E. Lehman, T. Leighton, R. Panigrahy, M.
Levine and D. Lewin , “Consistent hashing and random trees: distributed caching
protocols for relieving hot spots on the World Wide Web,” STOC’97, pp.
654-663 (PDF)
12/6 Parallel Databases
12/9 Project Presentations
12/11 Project Presentations