CMSC 417-201 (Fall 1999)



Dr. Jeff Hollingsworth

Adel Youssef

4161 AV Williams

?? AV Williams

(40) 5-2708


Office Hours:

Office Hours:

Tu 10:45-12:00

W 10:00-11:00

Class URL:

You are expected to check the class web page on a regular basis (at least weekly).

Catalog Description:

Computer networks and architectures. The OSI model including discussion and examples of various network layers. A general introduction to existing network protocols. Communication protocol specification, implementation, and measurement.


An understanding of how computers communicate with each other through wires, fiber optics, and air.

Prerequisites: CMSC 311, CMSC 330

Topics Covered (in approximately the order we will cover them):

Required Course Text:

Computer Networks 3rd Edition, Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall 1996.

Pthreads Programming, Nichols, Buttlar, and Farrell, O’Reilly & Associates 1996.

Programming Projects:

The class will include a substantial programming project to provide hands on experience in writing, debugging, and measuring networking protocols.

The first two programming projects will be done individually. All of the remaining projects will be done in two person teams.



Final Exam


Midterms (two - each worth 12.5%)




Programming Assignments


The instructor reserves the right to fail, regardless of overall numeric score, students who do not submit a good faith attempt to complete all programming assignments.

Re-grade policy. All requests to change grading of homework, programming projects, or exams must be submitted in writing (typed) within one week of when the assignment was made available for pickup. Requests must be specific and explain why you feel your answer deserves additional credit. A request to re-grade an assignment can result in the entire assignment being re-evaluated and as a result the score of any part of the assignment may be increased or lowered as appropriate.


Midterm #1 - October 7 in class

Midterm #2 - November 16 in class

Final - Monday December 20th 10:30-12:30

Any schedule conflicts involving these dates must be reported to Dr. Hollingsworth by the end of the second week of classes.

Academic Integrity:

All work that you submit in this course must be your own; unauthorized group efforts will be considered academic dishonesty. See the Undergraduate Catalog for definitions and sanctions. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense which may result in suspension or expulsion from the University. In addition to any other action taken, the grade "XF" denoting "failure due to academic dishonesty" will normally be recorded on the transcripts of students found responsible for acts of academic dishonesty. Sharing of code on programming assignments is a form of academic dishonesty.

Late Policy:

No late homework or programming assignments will be accepted. If you are unable to complete a programming assignment due to illness or family emergency, please see Dr. Hollingsworth as soon as possible to make special arrangements.