CMSC417 - Project #5


  • In HTML
  • In PDF
  • Submission Guide

    Header, Source, Object, and Sample Data Files

  • Updated Sockets Header File
  • ipv6socket.h
  • ftpApp.tar (FTP Application)
  • Updated ftp App files for projects written in C
  • ftp_client.C
  • ftp_msg.h
  • wrappers.h
  • IPv6recv the length parameter should be an int not int& (i.e. its value does not change inside recv. The function should return the number of bytes actually copied into the buffer.

    The default filesize limit on the AITS cluster is likely too small for the ftp app. Type limit filesize u to increase this limit.

    The Makefile for ftpApp expects the garbler to be in ../garb/ipv6-garb.o. You can add a top-level directory (same as ftpApp and net) to hold the garbler.