Project Description

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Project Notes for CMSC417

This page contains files related to the project.

We have setup groups to help teams share code.

Here are the header files for the various parts:

  • aal7.h
  • atm-garb.h
  • config-net.h
  • Here are several source and object files:

  • config-net.c
  • ATM Garbler
  • FTP Application
  • Tar file with source code
  • Garbler
  • atm-garb.o (alpha)
  • atm-garb.o (alpha - Hacked for wrong order)
  • atm-garb.o (SPARC/solaris)
  • atm-garb.init (Sample Garb config file)
  • Corrections and Clarifications about the Project

    The only argument that your network layer should accept is the node number. The configuration file is compiled into the config-net routines we supply. The information you get back from the config_get_info routine contains all the information about a node and the topology you get at startup. This struct contains the port number for the host, and the node name/port number pairs for all nodes directly connected to that node.

    The all7_accept routine should not be able to return TIMEOUT. This is a pure blocking call with no timeout.

    The maximum size of a request in an aal7_send is 16KB.

    aal7_setMaxRecvWinSize changes the window size of only future connections. As a result, it does not take a connection id as a parameter. Please download an updated aal7.h and ftp_client.C.

    You make assume that any node has at most 10 servers running (i.e. the size of a seperate SAP table).

    You may assume that node numbers will be range from 1 to 255.

    You *may* use garb_sendto_routing to send ATM signaling cells. In other words, we will drop, but not garble signaling cells.

    Last Updated: Jeff Hollingsworth (4/3/97)