Demonstration 1 Schedule
Monday, Dec. 15
We can take TWO groups per time slot. Time slots are first come, first serve.
You may email me at jow@cs to reserve a time. Please include the class group
name, your preferred time, and one alternate time.
Demonstrations will be in the PCHASM lab, AVW 3120.
- 02:00-02:30 Dec 14: gjh09
- 09:30-10:00: gjh01, empty
- 10:00-10:30: jh44, empty
- 10:30-11:00: gjh13, empty
- 11:00-11:30: gjh08, gjh03
- 11:30-12:00: gjh11, gjh15
- 12:00-12:30: gjh06, gjh02
- 12:30-01:00: jh15 and jh12
- 01:30-02:00: gjh10, gjh16
You should plan to show up at least 5 minutes before your demonstration
to start setting things up.
If you cannot make these times, the preferred alternate date would be
the afternoon of Sunday, Dec. 14th.
Submission date for the project is around 9:00 Monday Dec. 15th.
Please try and have your ATM and AAL7 layers integrated as much as
possible. If you abosolutely cannot, you will have to include an extensive
readme which details what tests you've done and so forth. It would also be
a good idea to submit the source code for your tests.
Last modified: Sun Dec 14 17:48:28 EST 1997