Locks and condition variables are an attempt to implement monitors in languages that do not have them. Normally, monitors are part of the language definition and there needs to be syntax to allow programmers to declare a monitor. The main reason that it has to be part of a language is that normal languages can not enforce the mutual exclusiveness of monitor procedure calls. However, you can attempt to get similar behavior by using semaphores.
One way to approximate a monitor is to create a lock class and a condition variable class. Recall that condition variables are only allowed to be declared in monitor procedures, and that two operations were allowed on condition variables, namely, wait and signal.
Unlike semaphores, there is no semaphore variable. Hence, waiting automatically causes the process to go to sleep and signalling attempts to wake one process up. If there aren't any sleeping processes, then the signal operation is basically a no-op. No values are incremented and decremented in condition variables as they are in semaphores.
It is difficult to implement Hoare-style monitors because signalling a process requires the waking process to be placed immediately on the run queue, and the signalling process is put immediate to sleep on some sort of priority stack (similar to a blocked queue). Because of this difficulty, we will use Mesa-style monitors where signalled processes are merely placed on the ready queue. This means that the signalled process usually needs to check if the condition it was waiting for still holds when it wakes up (hence, it usually checks for a Boolean condition in while loop). If the condition is not true, then it goes back to sleep.
The following is code for locks written in a C++ like style.
Lock::Lock() // Constructor { value = 1; numSleepers = 0; // Number of process blocked on this semaphore processID = -1; // No process holds this lock mutex = new Semaphore( 1 ); // Initialize semaphore to 1. sleep = new Semaphore( 0 ); // Initialize semaphore to 0. } Lock::Acquire() // Acquire a lock { while ( 1 ) { mutex->P(); if ( value <= 0 ) { numSleepers++; mutex->V(); sleep->P(); } else { value--; processID = process->getPID(); // Record PID of process mutex->V(); break; // exit while loop } } } Lock::Release() // Release a lock { mutex->P(); value++; if ( value > numSleepers ) exit(); // abort if release not used properly numSleepers--; sleep->V(); // Wake up one sleeper mutex->V(); }
The next code implements the condition variable class (called CV). The main trick here is that once a process goes to sleep on wait, it needs to release the lock which allows other processes trying to access the monitor procedures to go through.
CV::CV( Lock *lock1 ) // Constructor { lock = lock1; // The associated lock with this condition variable numSleepers = 0; // number of sleepers on this CV. CV_sleep = new Semaphore( 0 ); mutex = new Semaphore( 1 ); } CV::Wait() { mutex->P(); // quit if process does not have lock if ( lock->processID != process->GetPID() ) exit(); numSleepers++; lock->Release(); // Release lock associated with this CV. mutex->V(); CV_sleep->P(); // Sleep lock->Acquire(); // When woken up, reacquire lock } CV::Signal() { mutex->P(); // quit if process does not have lock if ( lock->processID != process->GetPID() ) exit(); if( numSleepers > 0 ) { CV_sleep->V(); // Wake single process up numSleepers--; } mutex->V(); }
The following is code that would typical for using a lock.
monitorLock->Acquire(); .... while ( bufferNum < 0 ) // check for condition in while loop bufferNotEmpty->Wait(); // consume bufferNotFull->Signal(); monitorLock->Release();
Hence, the condition variables, bufferNotEmpty and bufferNotFull, are associated with lock, monitorLock. The member variable, numSleepers, is needed to make sure that if no one is sleeping on a particular variable, then the signal should do nothing. The semaphores are used to make the acquiring and releasing of a lock, and the signalling and waiting atomic.
Note that when a process wakes up, it needs to reacquire the lock. The reason is that it will be woken up in the middle of critical section code, and should have the lock before proceeding. Also, when it goes to sleep, it must release the associated lock so that other processes can access monitor functions.
Another interesting feature is the while loop in the sample code. In Hoare-style monitors, a process that is signalled is immediately woken up and placed in the run queue. The process that called signal goes immediately to sleep. Since the woken process starts right away, it can be guaranteed that the condition it went to sleep on is true (presuming the signalling process did signal when that condition was true, not for some bogus reason). Hence, if we had Hoare-style locks and condition variables, we could use an if statement rather than a while (though a while shouldn't cause problems either.
However, since semaphores can't cause processes to be placed in the run queue, then the best we can do is to allow the signalling process to complete the monitor function, and place the signalled process on the ready queue. However, a given process may have signalled two processes. The first process to run is guaranteed to have the condition satisfied as long as the signalling process properly signalled, and made sure the condition held upon exiting the monitor procedure.
The first process may, however, alter the value of some variables or data structures, and thus invalidate a condition that was once originally true. Thus, the second process, when run, may not find the condition true that it thought was true. By checking for the condition in a while statement, the second process double-checks if a condition held true, and if so, proceeds, and if not, it goes back to sleep.
I added a safety condition to using condition variables. A process should not be allowed to call wait and signal if it does not currently own the lock. Hence, I basically record the PID of the process that grabs the lock and this is double-checked when a process tries to use condition variables. This is one of the things needed to prevent a process from abusing how locks and condition variables are used.
The final observation is more about semaphores than locks and condition variables. Note that if you use a mutex semaphore, and you want the process to sleep on a different semaphore, you need to release the mutex first, and then sleep. Otherwise, a process will be holding the mutex "token", then sleeping on a second semaphore. Other processes wanting to use the mutex semaphore can not because the sleeping process is still holding on the token. And, if the process that is supposed to wake the sleeping process needs the mutex (which it typically will) then no process will wake up this sleeping process, and worse still, processes may deadlock as they attempt to grab the mutex, and find they can not.