Operating Systems - CMSC 412 | Spring 1998 |
Interface Header File user412.h which will be included by
the user code (proc.c and alike) together with
cmsc412.h as well as Borland (standard) header files, as
needed. (This means that you do not have to duplicate names declared
in cmsc412.h file.) The global names include (1) function
prototypes; (2) global variables, if any; (3) also macro definitions.
Make sure that file user412.h lists all names that
can be used in the user code, to let it work with the keyboard,
screen, timer, etc. Also, make sure no names are listed that the user
is not supposed to use. This time, I will read your source
code. Scheduling Experiments Compiler Warnings
In general, you will need to polish your code so that it would not
look "suspicous" for the compiler. However, sometimes we need to write
code that would cause wanrings to be generated (as is the case with
By default, the compiler disables some warnings and enables the
others. We do not want you to disable warnings using the
compiler option
Simon Hawkin - cema@cs.umd.edu | March 27, 1998 |