/********************************************************************** Project 2: Multiprogramming By: Jeff Hollingsworth e-mail: hollings@cs.umd.edu File: proc2.c Created on: 3/6/1996 Contents: User Processes to be run concurrently 1. Init() : Initial process, creates other ones & terminates 2..4 Long() , Ping() , and Pong() are three examplar processes that are to be run concurently. Long() is a CPU intensive job, while Ping() and Pong() bounce back between one another. 5. Wait() : busy wait for a key to be pressed Simon Hawkin 03/16/1998 - Added progress monitoring output in Long(). Jeff Hollingsworth 2/19/02 - Re-written for the new project [2] An enclosed test ("proc2.c", or "encl2.c"). **********************************************************************/ #include "libuser.h" #include "libio.h" #include "atoi.h" #if !defined (NULL) #define NULL 0 #endif int Main( int argc , char ** argv ) { int policy; int start; int elapsed; int quantum; int scr_sem; /* sid of screen semaphore */ int id1, id2, id3; /* ID of child process */ if (argc == 3) { if (!strcmp(argv[1], "rr")) { policy = SCHEDPOLICY_RR; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "mlf")) { policy = SCHEDPOLICY_MF; } else { Printf("usage: %s [rr|mlf] \n", argv[0]); Exit(); } quantum = atoi(argv[2]); Set_Scheduling_Policy(policy, quantum); } else { Printf("usage: %s [rr|mlf] \n", argv[0]); Exit(); } start = Get_Time(); scr_sem = Init_Semaphore ( "screen" , 1 ) ; P ( scr_sem ) ; Printf ("************* Start Workload Generator *********\n"); V ( scr_sem ) ; id1 = Spawn_Program ( "/c/long.exe" ) ; P ( scr_sem ) ; Printf ("Process Long has been created with ID = %d\n",id1); V ( scr_sem ) ; id2 = Spawn_Program ( "/c/ping.exe" ) ; P ( scr_sem ) ; Printf ("Process Ping has been created with ID = %d\n",id2); V ( scr_sem ) ; id3 = Spawn_Program ( "/c/pong.exe" ) ; P ( scr_sem ) ; Printf ("Process Pong has been created with ID = %d\n",id3); V ( scr_sem ) ; Wait(id1); Wait(id2); Wait(id3); elapsed = Get_Time() - start; Printf ("\nTests Completed at %d\n", elapsed) ; return 0; }