Hanan Samet: Selected Talk Slides

Translation Validation

Translation Validation: Automatically Proving the Correctness of Translations Involving Optimized Code, (ACM DSP)

Automatically Proving the Correctness of Translations Involving Optimized Code, (Dagsthul Seminar on Verifying Optimizing Compilers in July 2005 and superseded by Translation Validation talk)

Similarity Searching

Similarity Searching (ICDE 2009 and ICPR 2016 Tutorials) (animated)(cumulative),   (handout)

Metric Space Data Structures

K-Nearest Neighbor Finding Using the MaxNearestDist Estimator, ICIAP 2003, <PDF> <PS>

Spatio-Textual Databases and Geotagging

Reading News with Maps by Exploiting Spatial Synonyms, Communications of the ACM, 57(10):64-77, October 2014. See also the article and the video (ACM DSP).

Multifaceted Toponym Recognition for Streaming News, SIGIR 2011, Beijing, China, July 2011

Reading News with Maps by Exploiting Spatial Synonyms, (UCLA Distinguished Lecture Series - October 2014)

Place-Based Information Systems: Textual Location Identification and Visualization

Supporting Rapid Processing and Interactive Map-Based Exploration of Streaming News, ACM GIS 2012, Redondo Beach, CA, November 2012

The Picture of Health: Map-Based, Collaborative Spatio-Temporal Disease Tracking, HEALTHGIS 2012, Redondo Beach, CA, November 2012

Mapping APIs

Duking It Out at the Smartphone Mobile App Mapping API Corral: Apple, Google, and the Competition , MOBIGIS 2012, Redondo Beach, CA, November 2012 (updated June 2014 and ACM DSP)

Spatial Databases and Indexing

Hiearchical Representations of Point Data


Sorting in Space and Words (ICDE'18)

Enhanced Siggraph 2010 Sorting in Space Tutorial (also University of Milano Ph.D. Course October 2015)

Siggraph Asia 2016 Sorting in Space Tutorial (animated), (cumulative), (cumulative handout)

Sorting in Space (animated), (cumulative), (ACM DSP)

Sorting in Space and Network Distance Browsing (animated), (cumulative)

Scalable Network Distance Browsing in Spatial Databases, SIGMOD 2008, Vancouver, Canada, June 2008 (Updated 2011), (ACM DSP)

SILC: Efficient Query Processing on Spatial Networks

Spatial Databases and Geographical Information Systems

Issues in Spatial Databases and Geographical Information Systems (Abbreviated)

Issues in Spatial Databases and Geographical Information Systems (Full) (animated), (cumulative), (ACM DSP)

Indexing Methods for Moving Object Databases: Games and Other Applications, SIGMOD 2013, New York, June 2013

AI Day, University of Maryland, May 27, 2007

Query Processing and Optimization for Pictorial Query Trees (Videos) (Demos)

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