CMSC858F: Network Design Foundation, Fall 2015
Instructor: Mohammad T. HajiAghayi
Latest Announcements and Assignments (Last updated 10/15/15)
Solution 3 to Assignment 3
· Assignment 3: Due TBD before the class at 3:30pm (see
instructions for submission inside the assignment)
Solution 2 to Assignment 2
Assignment 2: Due Oct 26, 2015 before 5:00pm (see instructions
for submission inside the assignment)
Solution 1 to Assignment 1
Assignment 1: Due
Oct 8, 2015 before the class at 3:30pm (see instructions for submission inside
the assignment)
Topics of the projects should be checked with
the instructor and finalized by Sep 30, 2015
See the course agenda
lecture on September 3, 2015.
· Templates
.tex .sty to scribe.
Course Description
Network Design or more
generally networking with its many variants is one of the most active research
areas in computer science involving researchers from System, Networks,
Algorithm Design, Graph Theory, Discrete Optimization, Game Theory and
Information Theory. Especially mathematical modeling of networks plays a vital
role in the understanding of computer and communication networks and provides
insights into questions such as allocation
of network resources, analysis and effects of competitive and/or cooperative
agents, Internet protocols, wireless network protocols, network dynamics,
queuing systems, performance optimization, and network traffic and topology.
These models shed light onto fundamental performance limits and trade-offs in practical
scenarios. In addition, new problems in this area are constantly propounded by
practitioners working in various aspects of network design such as
construction, routing and staged deployment. Furthermore, many new design
paradigms such as ATM, Ad hoc and Wireless networking add rich new flavors to
existing problems. On the other hand, many of the key algorithmic challenges in
the context of the internet, the largest
network in the world, require considering the objectives and interests of
the different participants involved.
These include problems ranging from pricing goods and resources, to
improving search, to routing, and more generally to understanding how
incentives of participants can be harnessed to improve the behavior of the
overall system. As a result, Mechanism Design and Algorithmic Game Theory,
which can be viewed as ``incentive-aware algorithm design'', have become an
increasingly important part of network design in recent years.
We focus on active area of applications of algorithms in networking to understand current trends, identify understudied areas, and potentially formulate new directions for further investigation. Below I highlight some of the main selection of topics and their corresponding references that we will cover in this course (we may add more references later to this list).
Course Agenda:
See the course agenda.
Reference Books:
Algorithms, by Vazirani, Springer, 2001
Algorithmic Game
Theory, edited by Nisan, Roughgarden, Tardos, and Vazirani, Cambridge
University Press, 2007.
Slides and notes from ``Approximation Algorithms: The Last Decade and the Next Workshop, June 2011''
Notes from the webpage of a similar course
taught by the same instructor
Detailed Schedule (see the references below):
09/03/15: Review of course
description, and review of different algorithmic techniques for network design.
See course agenda.
09/10/15: Different approximation
algorithms for set cover.
My scanned handwritten
Scribe notes
by students
09/17/15: Submodular cover, submodular tree coverage and maximum coverage with budget.
My scanned handwritten
Scribe notes
by students
09/24/15: Continuing maximum coverage,
unique coverage, and applications to wireless networks.
My scanned handwritten
Scribe notes
by students
10/01/15: Review of probabilistic embedding into trees for
connectivity problems: definitions and applications.
My scanned handwritten
Scribe notes by students
10/05/15: Review of some algorithms
for BIG networks
10/08/15: Review of Bartal-FRT proof for probabilistic embedding into trees, also another application of this
technique for network design
My scanned handwritten
Scribe notes by students
10/15/15: Buy-at-bulk network design
and group Steiner tree
& Scribe notes (Section 2) by students
10/22/15: Review of oblivious routing algorithms
Scanned handwritten notes
Scribe notes by students
10/29/15: Probabilistic embedding into trees for cut problems: Racke from FRT
Scanned handwritten notes
Scribe notes by students
11/05/15: Approximation algorithms for planar networks
11/12/15: Local search for k-median & Iterative methods in
combinatorial optimizations
Scribe notes (Section 4) & Slides (scribe notes by students)
Further Topics (As Reading
----------: k-center algorithm
Scribe notes (Section 3)
----------: Review of algorithms for facility location and connected facility location (single-sink rent-or-buy network design)
Scanned handwritten notes
Scribe notes by students
----------: Review of primal-dual algorithms for Steiner tree and Steiner forest, Prize-collecting versions, k-MST
Scanned handwritten notes
Scribe notes by students
----------: Iterative randomized rounding for Steiner tree
11/19/15: EXAM (3:30pm-6pm) in the class CSI 3118 (no meeting in the morning)
11/26/15: Thanksgiving Holiday
12/03/15: Paper and project presentations by students.
Paper and project presentations by students (the last day of the class).
Title |
Members |
Slides |
Scribe |
Dominating Set |
Ahmadi, Sheng Yang |
Minimization Problems on Weighted Graphs |
Flores, Saurabh Kumar |
Degree Bounded Steiner Forest |
Sina Dehghani, Saeed Seddighin,
Ali Shafahi |
Detection and related problems in Public-Private Graph Model |
Brian Brubach, Soheil Ehsani, Karthik Sankararaman |
Algorithms under Lack of Full Information |
Melika Abolhassani,
Hossein Esafandiari, Hadi
Yami |
Tentative Course Topics and References:
Set cover, maximum coverage and unique coverage:
Above book Approximation Algorithms, by Vazirani, 2001.
The Budgeted Maximum Coverage Problem, Samir Khuller, Anna Moss, Joseph (Seffi) Naor, Information Processing Letters, 1997.
Demaine, U. Feige, M.T.
Hajiaghayi; M.R. Salavatipour;
Combination can
be hard: approximability of the unique coverage
problem, SIAM Journal on Computing. A preliminary version
appeared in the 17th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA),
Technique of probabilistic embedding into trees:
Yair Bartal: Probabilistic Approximations of Metric Spaces and Its AlgorithmicApplications . FOCS 1996: 184-193
Jittat Fakcheroenphol, Kunal Talwar and Satish Rao, A tight bound on approximating arbitrary metrics by tree metrics
STOC 2003, J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 69(3): 485-497 (2004).
Michael Elkin, Yuval Emek, Daniel Spielman and Shang-Hua Teng, Lower-Stretch Spanning Trees, 37th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2005.
Planar Networks:
Brenda S. Baker, Approximation Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems on Planar Graphs. J. ACM 41(1): 153-180. (1994)
E.D. Demaine; M.T. Hajiaghayi; K Kawarabayashi; Algorithmic Graph Minor Theory: Decomposition, Approximation, and Coloring, In Proceedings of the 46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), Pittsburgh, PA, October 23-25, 2005, pp. 637-646.
Philip N. Klein, A linear-time approximation scheme for TSP for planar weighted graphs, Proceedings, 46th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (2005), pp. 647--656.
E.D. Demaine; M.T. Hajiaghayi; The Bidimensionality Theory and Its Algorithmic Applications,
A servey in Computer Journal, To appear.
Oblivious routing:
Harald Rδcke. Minimizing Congestion in General Networks. In Proc. of the 43rd FOCS, pp. 43-52, 2002.
Harrelson, Hildrum, and Rao, A polynomial-time tree decomposition to minimize congestion. SPAA 2003.
Yossi Azar, Edith Cohen, Amos Fiat, Haim Kaplan, and Harald Rδcke. Optimal Oblivious Routing in Polynomial Time. In Proc. of the 35th STOC, pp. 383-388, 2003.
A. Gupta; M.T. Hajiaghayi; H. Raecke; Oblivious Network Design, In Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), Vancouver, Miami, Florida, January 22-24, 2006, pp. 970-979.
Cost sharing:
Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar, Tim Roughgarden, Simpler and better approximation algorithms for network design. STOC 2003: 365-372
Anupam Gupta, Amit Kumar, Martin Pαl and Tim Roughgarden Approximation Via Cost-Sharing: A Simple Approximation Algorithm for the Multicommodity Rent-or-Buy Problem. J. ACM, 54(3), March 2007
Jain and Mahdian, Cost Sharing, in Algorithmic Game Theory book above.
Buy-at-bulk network design:
Adam Meyerson, Kamesh Munagala, and Serge Plotkin: Cost-Distance: Two-Metric Network Design. IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 2000.
Adam Meyerson. Online Facility Location. FOCS 2001.
Sudipto Guha, Adam Meyerson, and Kamesh Munagala: Hierarchical Placement and Network Design Problems. IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) 2000.
David B. Shmoys, Ιva Tardos, Karen Aardal: Approximation Algorithms for Facility Location Problems. STOC 1997: 265-274
C. Chekuri; S. Khanna; S. Naor: A deterministic algorithm for the cost-distance problem. SODA 2001: 232-233.
C. Chekuri; M.T. Hajiaghayi; G. Kortsarz; M. R. Salavatipour: Approximation algorithms for nodeweighted buy-at-bulk networks, In Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), New Orleans, LA, January 7-9, 2007, pp. 1265--1274.
C. Chekuri; M.T. Hajiaghayi; G. Kortsarz; M. R. Salavatipour: Approximation algorithms for non-uniform buy-at-bulk network design problems In Proceedings of the 47th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), Berkeley, PA, October 22-24, 2006, pp. 677686.
Price of anarchy and selfish routing:
T. Roughgarden, The Price of Anarchy Is Independent of the Network Topology, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 67(2):341--364, 2003. (Conference version in STOC 2002.)
E. Tardos, lecture notes from Cornell CS684.
J. R. Correa, N. E. Stier Moses, and A. S. Schulz, Selfish Routing in Capacitated Networks, Mathematics of Operations Research, 2004 (to appear).
J. R. Correa, N. E. Stier Moses, and A. S. Schulz, A geometric approach to the price of anarchy in nonatomic congestion games, Games and Economic of Behavior, to appear, 2008.
T. Roughgarden and E. Tardos, How Bad Is Selfish Routing?, Journal of the ACM, 49(2):236--259, 2002.
Network creation and formation games:
E. Tardos and T. Wexler, Network Formation Games, in Algorithmic Game Theory book above.
Alex Fabrikant, Ankur Luthra, Elitza N. Maneva, Christos H. Papadimitriou, Scott Shenker: On a network creation game. PODC 2003: 347-351.
E.D. Demaine; M.T. Hajiaghayi; H. Mahini; M. Zadimoghadam; The price of anarchy in network creation games, In Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), Portland, Oregon, August 2007, pages 292298.
Online mechanism design:
D. Parkes, On-line Mechanisms, in Algorithmic Game Theory book above.
M.T. Hajiaghayi; R.D. Kleinberg; M. Mahdian; D.C. Parkes; Online Auctions with Re-usable Goods, In Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC), pp. 165-174, Vancouver, Canada, June 5-8, 2005.
M.T.; Kleinberg, R.; Parkes, D.C.; Adaptive Limited-Supply Online
Auctions, Proc. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC),
pp. 71-80, May 17-20, 2004.
Profit maximization auctions:
Jason Hartline, Anna Karlin, Profit Maximization in Mechanism Design, in Algorithmic Game Theory book above.
Andrew Goldberg, Jason Hartline, Anna Karlin, Mike Saks, and Andrew Wright, Competitive Auctions, Games and Economic Behavior, 2006.
Venkatesan Guruswami, Jason D. Hartline, Anna R. Karlin, David Kempe, Claire Kenyon, Frank McSherry: On profit-maximizing envy-free pricing, SODA 2005: 1164-1173.
Wireless network design:
Hajiaghayi; N. Immorlica; V.S. Mirrokni;
Optimization in Fault-Tolerant Topology Control Algorithms for Wireless
Multi-hop Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. To appear. A
preliminary version appeared in the Ninth Annual International Conference on
Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM),
M.T. Hajiahgayi; G. Kortsarz; V. S. Mirrokni; Z. Nutov; Power Optimization for Connectivity Problems, A Mathematical Programming, Series B for selected papers from IPCO 2005. Vol 110, No 1, pp. 195--208, 2007.
Goemans, Li, Mirrokni and Thottan, Market Sharing games applied to Content Distribution in Ad-Hoc Networks , MobiHoc 2004.
J.L. Bredin; E.D. Demaine; M.T. Hajiaghayi; D. Rus; Deploying Sensor Nets with Guaranteed Capacity and Fault Tolerance, In Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), Urbana-Champaign, IL, May 2005, pp. 309--319.
A basic course in algorithms is required. Already passing an advanced course in algorithms or networking can be quite helpful. If you are unsure of whether you have sufficient background for this course or not, please contact the instructor in the first week of the class or before.
Grading & Evaluation
See the course agenda for details.
Other Resources
(from here)
Tips for good technical writing
The elements of style by William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White (follow the "External links" at the bottom of this page for online copies of this book).
Writing a technical paper, by Professor Michael Ernst.
Tips for writing technical papers, by Professor Jennifer Widom.
Writing suggestions, by Professor Barton Miller.
How to write a dissertation, by Professor Douglas Comer (most of the content on this page applies to all forms of technical writing).
Tips for effective
Giving a technical talk, by Professor Michael Ernst.
Tips for a good conference talk, by Professor Jennifer Widom.
Oral presentation advice, by Professor Mark Hill.
General Information
Time and Location: |
Thu 9:30am-10:30am at AVW 3258 & 3:30pm -
5:00pm at CSI 3118 |
Office hours: |
By appointment via e-mail OR the hour immediately
following class. |
Office: |
3249 A.V. Williams |
Phone: |
301-405-2741 |
Email: |
The first 8 letters of instructors last name
(AT) cs (DOT) umd
(DOT) edu |
TA: |
None |