In addition, do the Gephi Tutorial. A video walkthrough of that tutorial is available here
Please go through this entire tutorial and do all the steps. This is crucial material for the rest of the term, and the tutorial is an excellent way to walk through the process.
My YouTube Gephi tutorials are here.
As we will start to see this week, one of the major components of doing social network analysis is getting the data. It's hard and annoying, but really really important. This will be a theme for the whole class! I'm not making it hard to torture you - it really is just this hard, always.
Collecting data well requires a lot of analysis and critical thinking. You need to know how to categorize it, label it, and what to collect. As we learn about analysis, we will also learn about how to get the data to perform the analysis on.
To go along with the lectures that match the book, here's a video that walks you through a structural and visual analysis of a network. It's the process I use every time I'm analyzing a network, so it's a good process for you to learn! This takes you through every step, from importing the data to filtering and running the analysis. Follow along, pause the video liberally to make sure you get everything, and use this as a jumping off point for learning how to think about your own analyses. Get the nodes and edges files I used so you can follow along.