Home Syllabus Lectures/Readings Assignments

Midterm Assignment

This assignment is to give you the opportunity to make up points on your midterm.

You have until the beginning of class Thursday, April 3rd to complete this assignment. There will be no extensions.

Re-do your entire midterm. Note that even if you got 10 points, you should look up answers and re-do those questions because I gave a lot of you full credit for only partially correct answers.

Your answers that draw from papers shuold include citations to page numbers and quotes from the text where appropriate. As on the test, BE BRIEF IN YOUR ANSWERS . That should be even easier since you are citing cirectly from texts in class.

If the entire exam is redone 100% correctly, I will average the score on the corrected exam with your original exam. If the redone exam is not 100% correct, you will not gain back any points.

You can download a copy of the midterm exam here. Please type or very clearly print your corrected answers on a fresh copy of the exam.