(I found this on the web.  Make of it what you will.
This is all the info I have.)

Date:   Mon, Dec 18, 1995 10:22 AM PDT
From:   74777.1423@compuserve.com (WGAR-FM)
Subj:   Christmas in Dreamland
To:     Area51RC

Here is a Christmas classic that I hope will brighten your holiday.

(to The Twelve days of Christmas)

On the first day of Christmas the Air Force gave to me...

(and) A  white jeep Cher-oh-kee

On the ------------- of  Christmas the Air Force gave to me...

(2nd day)  Two warning signs...

(3rd day) Three Camo dudes...

(4th day) Four County  Sheriffs...

(5th day) Five classic Greys!

(6th day) Six watchers watching...

(7th day) Seven buried sensors...

(8th day) Eight hearings pending...

(9th day) Nine drunks in Rachel...

(10th day) Ten saucer sightings...

(11th day) Eleven Blackhawks buzzing...

(12th day) Twelve tourists gawking...

Best wishes from Cleveland!