CMSC 427
In CMSC 427 we will study the basics of computer graphics. The goal of the course is to teach fundamental principles that underlie computer graphics algorithms, and also to teach computer graphics programming. We will focus on graphics methods used to render realistic images of scenes. We will focus on three key areas: 1) Geometry: how do we represent 3D models, describe their position and motion in 3D, project them into 2D images, and render these 2D projections with pixels? 2) Photometry: how we represent light, model the way objects reflect light, and the path that light takes as it bounces off objects or as objects shadow each other? 3) Image processing: how do we turn one image into another? For example, how do we make an image larger or smaller? How do we blur or sharpen an image? We will also learn graphics programming using OpenGL.
Lectures will focus on the theory and algorithms of computer graphics. Projects will allow you to apply these principles to create interesting images and interactive graphics systems.
Class Time |
Tue, Thu 11:00-12:15 |
Room |
CSI 2107 |
Personnel |
If you cannot make these office hours, please send email to arrange another time. Class announcements and discussions will use Piazza. We will set this up once class starts. |
and Problem Sets Syllabus
Useful Links
Dave Mount's CMSC 427 Lecture Notes
Quick Reference Guide
Learning Modern Graphics Programming
· Brown University CS123 Java to C++ Tutorial