Echoes T-shirt

last updated: March 7, 1998
[News] [Status] [Designs] [Resources] [1995 Tshirts] [Mail Alex]
Counter Here
counter installed March 4 1998
March 7, 1998
Another Dennis Howie's design added. Dominic-Francois' design with only 2 colors added. Sumit Bhagra's design added. Matt's comments on his design can now be read here.
March 4, 1998
Counter installed. Dennis Howie's design added to the collection.
March 2, 1998
After a number of t-shirt design submissions, this page has been created.
Links to a variety of Web resources related to Echoes T-shirts will be here eventually.

So far, you can visit our 1995 Tshirt page which was created and maintained throughout the previous "Echoes T-shirt" operation. We are also thinking about writing a short essay detailing our experiences of dealing with the matter, both to provide an insight into things involved and show our expectations for the future T-shirt campaigns.

This Site is a part of Proud Memeber of Echoes campaign.
[News] [Status] [Designs] [Resources] [1995 Tshirts] [Mail Alex]

...Alex, "an email animal"...